When the user clicks a "new" button, our dynamic xds form creates a new row for them to enter data on. By default the first field (after a button) gets focus. What we would like to do is have the third field get the focus.I'm assuming that in the "new" button I would do a setFocus on something. B...
How can add page numbers to my 10 page document I justcreated? Is there a way for me to add page numbers in the footer like you can in MicroSoft Word? The problem is, I already have created my form & can't re-arrange it any. If I could manually type the page number in that would be fine to...I just ...
I am trying to figure something out and I am having trouble.I have a series of text fields that I want my students to fill out. I would like it so as they fill it out it puts that text together from all of those boxes into one paragraph either somewhere else on the form or in Microsoft Word.It would...
Hi All,I need to make Save Option enabled.For this I written app.exec.MenuItem( "Save" );But its not working. I have gone through some of the discussions on the same topic.I found that the Reder Rights need to be exended.Could any one please explain me how to extend the Reader rights? or How to achi...
Hello,I'm using LC Designer 8.2 to create a form & wonder if there a way to set up or scripting a force spell check (like before email send - a spell check box pop up when the send button is selected). Thanks,Trang
I am creating a form that has a dropdown with different types of products listed. After a person selects a product from the menu I would like to populate the text box with a description of the product. I am a beginner here but I thought their was away to use JavaScript to do this. But wasn't exactl...
I am a relative newbie with LifeCycle Designer ES using v.8.2.1 to create interactive forms to replace manual hardcopies. I am working on a form that has a few pull down list boxes. I want different check box fields to display based upon the selection of an item from one of the pull down lists.Any...
i use the server integration API to create a new room on the fly. however, that new room requires an initial dev account login before the multiuser features are permitted. i cannot do this manually through the room console because in my application new rooms are created dynamically when a user cre...