Hello,On LifeCycle ES2, I try to access the GeneratePDF service throught SOAP via the API GeneretePDFServiceClient.createPDF2 but I receive an error http 403 while the data stream is been sent to the server:com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: 403: Interdit at com.adobe.idp.DocumentManagerClient.clientSi...
Hi All,I am facing an Issue here, I get an task assigned to me either to approve or reject, but when I try to open the attachment in the request, It tries to opens in the new IE browser, and I get an Error message displyed, as Page cannot open in the new browser.I also can notice 500 error notice i...
Hello,its a pity there is any common debugger in LCD. So I try to set up (a kind of) my own debugger. I do need one, because I am working on a form with dynamic, customizeable content and sometimes "strange things happen" if user customize the form ; )Idea: every function gets bool-paramters functio...
Hi,While I posted a new discussion about Designer 10 (just upgraded from Designer ES2), in the Adobe ADEP forum, I am adding the link here in the hope that it may create additional discussion and solutions. The issue probably revolves around how to correctly set up and use certificates for XML form ...
Hello,I am having some trouble setting up the SharePoint connect for LiveCycle. When entering the user credentials in the configuration page, I get a 401 Unauthorized error from Share Point server. However, using the same credentials, I am able to log into the Share Point site successfully.Both syst...
I have yet another dumb question. I have a subform with a field displaying the instance number for that form. It is in layout:ready this.rawValue = this.parent.index + 1;How do I retrieve the value of that field for use elsewhere on the form? I have tried getting the value as itemno.rawValue but ...
Greetings:I have created an expandable table. Works fine.I am trying to reproduce the table's inputs in another identical table with identical columns in another part of the same document. For as simple and basic as this question seems, I just cannot duplicate the same dynamic table with responses f...
Hi All,I've created php authentication server and that outs right roomURL and authToken like this,http://cadcam.yonsei.ac.kr/services/cdf_gc/authentication/flashservices/services/Main.html?roomURL-https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/kbdlab/teamproject&authToken-exx=eDp0ZWxsbWU4Njo6a2JkbGFiOmtzb...