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Are there any SQL Server database example applications for LiveCycle?


Level 4

Are there any SQL Server database example applications for LiveCycle workbench?  I am looking for things that are downloadable for free.

A complete example where someone used a form to modify a table in a well-known database such as "Northwind" or whatever or a very simple home-made databse would be nice.

I use Adobe LiveCycle Workbench ES3 Version 10.0.2.x.y.z and 2012 SQL Server MS but I have access to 2008 R2 SQL Server MS.

Any useful web link would be appreciated.

I tried to "Google" this myself, but nothing useful appeared in my particular search as of July 2013.

3 Replies


Employee Advisor

There are several sample applications available for form data manipulation. Besides manipulating the form data, you can use various JDBC operations to update the databse(not specifically the SQL Server but all the supported database).

Here is the link for samples : http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/samples.html

Hope this helps.




Level 4

I know this is getting old, so I am going to repost, but does anyone have an example of writing to a simple SQLServer (say SSMS 2012 or whatever) database table directly from a LiveCycle process?  This paradigm is important.  I'm looking for a specific URL ....
