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AFCS Navigator not Working Properly


Level 3

Whenever I try use the AFCS navigator it always behaves erratically. Sometime I see the default room and othertimes I don't. When I successfully enter a a room and then click back on 'Select a Room' all of my room instance are indicated as empty.

This issue is making it hard for me to try an create nodes and templates for my application. Sometimes I have to relaunch and login and logout of the 'Room Console' for it to work.

I am really inspired by what is possible with AFCS but am finding the AIR interface to be hampering in my efforts to use it effectively.

Please can someone advise.

btw I have the latest version of AIR loaded.

9 Replies


Level 3

Oh and just to provide some useful information about my environment which might help:

- Windows XP


Former Community Member


There was one login/logout issue that is fixed. But I am not able to reproduce the cases you mentioned. When you say you don't see the default room, is your template selected? And even after selecting the default template, is you room list empty? Create 2-3 rooms in the default template and try reproducing this behavior and let me know when it happens.

Similarly, when you select a room, is your template selected? and If so, does selecting the template shows the rooms or not ?

Please let us know in more details about the recurrence and the frequency. We can fix the issue then in next drop.


Hironmay Basu


Level 3

Hi Hironmay

I will try my best to give you enough info to replicate the issue.

It does seem that behavior has somewhat changed (perhaps you did an update?)

but is still erratic.

1 - Launch the Room Console from SDK Navigator

2 - For me on the first time this only lists the last template in my list

(make sure you have set up a scenario of three ie default, template1 and

template2 ) .

NOTE: If it doesn't occur for you, try closing the Room Console and

launching again from the SDK Navigator. Or closing both completely and try

again from scratch. *

*Once you have found that only one template is being listed *- Enter any

room that is available in the incomplete list.*

3 - Click 'Select a Room' - you should have empty lists plus the login

button is greyed out preventing login. In this situation I have to close

both SDK Navigator and Room Console and then reopen to be able to login


4 - It then displays my room list correctly when I logout and login again.

I will send you more details later.




Former Community Member

I haven't done any update but I will run through the cases mentioned and get back to you.

Thanks for helping


Hironmay Basu


Former Community Member

Hi ,

I ran your case. With a fix I put today, I have not been able to reproduce an incomplete template list. And every time you close the console, it now logs you out.

I have a quick question, are you selecting 'automatically enter room' option ? The things are more clearer if you deselect the automatically enter room option.

Our new update will be available very soon. These issues should be fixed then. However, I will go for another round of tests before update to see that what you observed has been fixed.


Hironmay Basu


Level 3

Hi Hironmay - when will the new version be available?

I am getting the same issue again - I started a new account and it was working well and then I added a template...

This has broken the Room Console - surely I am not the only one experiencing this?


Level 3

There is a workaround - remove the account and then add it again.

Hopefully the new version will address this issue.


Former Community Member


The next version will be available quite soon. Adding a template shouldn't be a problem. I have never experienced this, especially any specific workflow where it happens. So, if you can reproduce a specific workflow where it happens , please let us know.


Hironmay Basu