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xfa.log object - API documentation


Level 3
Hi Everybody,

I've been looking for the complete documentation of the xfa-object inside the LC Designer, respectively the xfa.log object.

The code completion offers that particular object to log messages to the designers "Log" tab. I managed to log a messages using the xfa.log.message() method which takes two parameter (int, String) but I can't find the API-Docs for this and the other methods (trace(), traceEnabled(), traceActivate(), traceDeactivate()).

Another point is that the message() method just works for static PDF forms.

Does anybody know where you can get a complete API documentation for LC Designer or please tell me where "Designer Scripting Reference 8.2" or the "LiveCycle Designer ES" documentation handles that topic (e.g. xfa.log object and its methods).

kind regards

3 Replies


Former Community Member
What are you trying to do with that command ..... I found some info but it is not much more than you get with th eobject assist. It is meant to be used to write messages to the log reporter when using Server side scripts. It is not for interactive operation.


Level 3
Hi Paul,

thanks for your answer.

Basically I'm trying to debug the scripts I wrote for my PDF forms. Therefore it would be very helpful to get the API documentation for the xfa.log object.

kind regards



Former Community Member
That won't do you any good ....use app.alert messages or xfa.host.messageBox. If you feel messages will affect the flow of the script you can use the console.println to write a message to the javascript console. To see the console hit Ctrl-J after the form has been rendered. Note that you will require Acrobat to see the console.

xfa.log is used for host level script debugging and not interactive debugging.