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writing to database


Former Community Member
I am going to publish some forms on my Intranet so that numerous employees have access to them from different locations. I will be using the submit by email button for the forms to be sent to the proper dept. When they click on the "submit by email" button i want the form to be written or copied to a sql database. I assume that I am goin to have to add another click event. Is each user going to have to establish and ODBC connection to the database that I want it to be saved on? What is the best way to get this done? Please help....
2 Replies


Former Community Member

I have a similar requirement and looking for a real neat solution for implementing this:

I have developed a pdf form using livecycle designer and it has a submit button in it. The form is published to our organization website. What we would like to do is, when the user opens and fills up the pdf form either on web browser / or after downloading to their desktop, users should be able to post the data in the form directly into our IMS database.

I understand that we need to use a Submit button with Submit As property set to XML. But, what I would like to know is the architecture and how the components communicate here. i.e. for our design document. Our users are not connected to the org. network but just to the internet where they can find this pdf form.

I am assuming that we would need to lay out these components on the diagram but not very sure of the order in which the data is flowing from LiveCycle and WebServer.

1. Web browser

2. Internet Connection

3. Webserver (this is where the org. website is and the form is located on the website)

4. LiveCycle ES on an application server?

5. Database tier.

Appreciate if anyone could tell me exactly the steps and the data flow.


Former Community Member
Here's one way:

- User downloads PDF via web browser.

- User fills out form in Adobe Reader or Acrobat

- User clicks on submit button in form

- Form data is posted to custom web application sitting on an application server sitting in the DMZ

- Custom web application initiates connection to LiveCycle ES on internal application server and passed data along

- LiveCycle ES processes data submission and inserts data into database using standard JDBC component

Hopefully this is a good starting point for your discussions.

Justin Klei

Cardinal Solutions Group