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Problem with Floating Fields


Former Community Member
I inserted a floating field with a Global Data Binding inside a text box but the field information ends up in the upper left corner of the subform and not within the text box.

What do I need to do to get the information to flow with the text within the text box?

All fields are in the same document.
6 Replies


Former Community Member
Is the text box and floating field wrapped within a positioned subform?


Former Community Member
I tried changing the subform using both positioned and flowed but still have the same results.


Former Community Member
Can you send your form to livecycle8@gmail.com and I will have a look. Give a brief description of the problem you are having in the email.


Level 1

Did this ever get resolved? I am having a similar issue.


Former Community Member

This was in 2008 so i cannot remember ...if you send the form and a description of the issue I will have a look. Send it to LiveCycle8@gmail.com



Level 4

Just an FYI to other users having this problem, make sure you save the form as a Dynamic.