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I give up..... FDS 2.0.1 installer/patch file.


Former Community Member
Arg, i can't get hold of our Corporate Account holder right
now, and i need to get a specific patch of FDS.

I've called in through the standard technical support line at
1800-642-3623, but they told me that the download was no longer
available, and that i should upgrade to Flex 3? Are they serious? i
gave them a corporate Flex Builder 2 License Key! Yeah, when
someone approves a few million dollars to upgrade all of our
applications to Flex 3, we might consider it.

Oh, the frustration.

Please can someone tell me where i can find the Flex FDS
2.0.1 install/zip file. I already have the FDS 2.0 installer, and i
have the Flex Builder 2.0.1 installer too, but i believe there is a
2.0.1 FDS patch/zip file that i am missing.

The documentation here references it, but the FDS 2.0.1
installer is not available.


I tried FTP'ing to the macromedia FTP server looking for
older versions, but i could not login, and the adobe FTP server
does not have it.

If anyone has a link to archived version of the software,
please post.

Note, that i do not want the HotFix 1 or 3 packs, i just need
the 2.0.1 without hotfixes,

Please help before i go insane.



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