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Deleting Process Instances


Former Community Member

I've develeped the workflow process and after testing I have a lot of

stalled process instances, assigned tasks.

How can I delete all ?

20 Replies


Former Community Member
unfortunately this is not possible from the workspace UI


Level 10
You can use the Administrative console at http://localhost:8080/adminui if you want to remove them (under Services/LiveCycle Process Management ES/Process Management).



Former Community Member

If I use AdminUI console, I can choose instances which I want to delete and then terminate its, but it doesn't delete all assigned tasks of its instances, i.e in workspace UI I'll see the task even the process instance was terminated.

thanks, Oliver


Level 10
You can go under Services > Adobe LiveCycle Process Management ES > Process Search > and then delete all process instances for a particular process.



Former Community Member
Hi Jasmin,

I've encountered the same problem.

After terminating a process, it's instance still appears in a workspace as an assigned task.

I can't see how can I remove this task from the workspace user's "to do" list.


Level 9
Are you running Service Pack 1b. I'm pretty sure this was a bug that was fixed at some point.

The bug still exists if the task is assigned to a group.




Level 3
Tthe 'terminated tasks still show if in group queue' bug still exists in SP2 as well.


Former Community Member
I am having this same problem and I have installed service pack 2. Anyone know how I can get rid of them?




Level 3
Hi John

The only way I have found is to Delete the Group(s) in the AD, then re-create them.

This is of course only OK for Dev/Test environments but it is the only workaround I've found so far.



Level 9
You may be able to go into Adminui, and assign the task to a "dummy" user.




Level 3
Hi Howard

Unfortunatly you can't reassign them as they show as 'Completed' in the AdminUI Task Search so the option is not available.



Former Community Member
I think the reason you would see such behaviour is because the associated task and action are orphaned. You created your process and then you started it and it got to an Assign Task service and then you decided that you want to modify your process map. Unfortunately to avoid this then you need to modify the database tables manually. The following steps are not recommended and not supported but they will solve the problem:

- Find the process id and query that in tb_process_instance. You will see that the status field for that record is something other than 2. If you change that entry to 2 then this will see the process as complete

- Query the process id in tb_process_action. Look for the process_instance_id field and you will see that at least one of the records does not have 2 for the status field. If you change that entry to 2 then this will see the action as complete.


Former Community Member
with ES 8.2 we have a utility to delete process


Former Community Member
I have meet this problem too. If you clear the data of tb_task that is a table of adobe database, those info will never appear in the workspace user's "to do" list.


Level 10
You can use the adminui interface (http://localhost:8080/adminui) and go under Services/Process Management/Stalled Operations Error to remove them.

This has been there since 7.0. You shouldn't have to go directly to the database to clear those up.



Level 3
Hi Jasmin

AdminUI works for stalled tasks assigned to Users but not if assigned to Group Queues. See previous posts form Howard and I on this topic.

As far as I'm aware this is a bug and it still exisisted in SP2 - I have not tried it in U1.

Best Regards - Stuart


Level 10
Did you log a bug with support?



Level 3
Hi Jasmin

No - from Howard's reply #6/17 "Are you running Service Pack 1b. I'm pretty sure this was a bug that was fixed at some point. The bug still exists if the task is assigned to a group." I assumed that it was already logged.

Best Regards - Stuart


Level 4

Has anyone attempted to terminate stalled processes with SP3? 

I 50 some stalled process instances that I cannot terminate.  When I select a large group and attempt to terminate them in a batch, the number of stalled instances will actually increase.

Many of them have an UNKNOWN operation name.  And it actually appears that terminating is actually retrying the operation in many cases. 


Former Community Member

I still have issues with this, and we are running