I have created a submit form for our team to use for client intake But how can another user use that form over and over again without overwriting the original form?
I have added an email submission button. I've looked around but can't seem to find the answer to this - how do I lock the form on submission? The form has an auto-populate today's date box, and currently every time I open the form it resets it to the current date. Second, I have fields on the form f...
Hi I have a form that users can enter text into a Text Field allowing multiple lines. For example: "Paragraph 1 Text Paragraph 2 Text" I then have a button that sets up a draft e-mail and extracts the user entered text into the body of the e-mail, however it excludes the formatting. It comes out lik...
Hello team, For some reason this usecase https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/campaign-classic/using/automating-with-workflows/use-cases/data-management/using-aggregates.html is not working for me. I'm able to achieve the first step Step 1: Calculating the aggregate result. The first query has al...
I'm trying to add a submit form button, which only submits if all the visible required fields are completed. I also have some invisible required fields - they are invisible because not all subforms are shown each time - but if a subform is shown, then all fields on it need to be completed. Is this p...
I'm struggling to be able to show a hidden object (text field) on the master page, when I select an item from a drop-down on a standard page. The item shows initially, but the next time there is an action to show a different area on a standard page, the hidden object on the master page disappears ag...
I am still using Livecycle. I have a text field on a form, with unlimited lenght, that is allowed for multiple lines, and is also allowed to break across a page if necessary.It performs exactly as I want it to.ISSUE: when the text field breaks across the page, the content repeats itself; basically s...
Hi, My requirement is to have a FIX QR code size. But i see if my data in the binding is changing the QR code size s also Changing. I need to convert Purchase Order Line item data to QR code , Please help. Thanks,rakesh.
Sirin textfield display pattern any way to add a prefix in textfieldi try it text{'Name' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA}BUT when name in two words (e.g. Michal Shumakar) its not worked.