Hello,I've encountered an issue with segmenting data using a "Look-Up Table." I've set up an XDM individual profile schema with the following fields:Customer IDAddress IDCustomer First NameCustomer Last NameAdditionally, I've created a look-up schema for customer addresses with the following fields:...
Hello,I am attempting to accomplish the following use case using segmentation in Adobe Experience Platform (AEP).I need to calculate the average price paid for all the bookings falling within the range of 1000 to 2000 USD. The pricing information is stored within the experience event schemas.When I ...
Hi, Is there any options to integrate AEP with Adobe Analytics. we use AEP to create segment to use it in Adobe Target. Wanted o see how we can share the created segment in Adobe Analytics for us to measure the performance/conversion on each segment.
Hi TeamWe have a requirement to ingest the data from AWS S3 with encrypted data.so we are using API calls for decrypting the data through flow service API. Now our requirement is to enable partial ingestion with 1% threshold.Through UI we were able to enable partial ingestion. We are looking for thi...
What is the minimum screen resolution needed to work with AEP's web UI optimally? I am working on a standard laptop screen and the resolution is 1920x1080. I find AEP very troublesome to use. I have to scroll horizontally very often because tables are so wide. Example: Preview dataset. The preview t...
Hi,I have a question about establishing relationships between schemas. I have one schema called "Customer Profile" which is based on the XDM individual profile class. It has an object array of booking IDs made by the customer. I also have another schema called "Customer Booking" which is based on th...
Hi Team,I'm currently working on a use case involving the creation of a schema using XDM Experience Event and the setup of a dataset with profile integration. One observation that has surfaced is that when data is ingested multiple times for the same record, the event tab in the profile seems to cap...
I am facing a problem where the structure of object arrays are not correctly detected when trying to ingest data into a Dataset from a JSON through Data Landing Zone.Basically, we have object array fields where the size is not fixed, and in some (most) rows of data, the array is empty. Here is a sim...
We have created multiple CJA groups where one set of users should be added as admin. These users belong to a group in EY called “MAB support group”. However, the users in the group keep changing and it becomes difficult to modify each Product profile/ user group with the name of the new admin.
We would like to share our dashboard in CJA format with certain selected users only. We do not want to share a CSV or PDF or do not want to share the link with all users. We would also like to monitor who all have accessed the dashboard via audit log. None of the share options work for us. Share Op...