Hi, I have created Individual Profile Schema. Then I have create a dataset which I have successfuly ingested the data into the dataset. Then I checked in the profile and the profile have been successfully created. However, when I try to create audince using attributes using my custom fields as a (s...
Hi there, I have configured a schema using Adobe Analytics Experience Event Field Group (Schema 1)I have another schema with a set of Custom Fields (Schema 2)Primary reason for using AA Experience Event Field group is to send data to AA through Launch Web SDK. I do not want all fields on Schema 1 to...
Hello Community Members, We are looking to configure a Time-to-Live (TTL) for pseudo-anonymous profiles based on multiple identity attributes. Proposed Logic: If a customer has any identity beyond Device ID, ECID, Email_LC_SHA256, or Phone_SHA256, their profile should not be deleted.However, if a ...
Dear Community I have an IndividualProfile schema. I went on to create a dataset and tried to ingest data into the dataset. There is one field which is string in my CSV file in which I want to convert to DATETIME in AEP. During ingestion, I have used a calculated field to calculate the string data i...
Dear Community, I have created an ExperienceEvent Schema and tried to ingest data into the dataset. However I have ran into a problem during batch data ingestion. We went back and recheck both the file and the schema and still we were unable to resolve the issue and still get the same error. Image a...
Hi All, In my source file I noticed conflicting values for a specific attribute for the same identity and ingested data in the customer profile dataset as shown below:Customer IDGenderLastUpdatedID1Female2025-01-13 12:00:00ID1Male2025-01-13 12:00:00 After fragmentation, in profile store I can see t...
I created a custom field group (arp) and added a field, "menuArr". What I don't understand is why doesn't the schema editor show the new field group as a node under "_Irf" Also the path for menuArr shows as "_irf.menuArr" I would have expected the path to be "_irf.arp.menuArr" The right rail does sa...