Hi all,This was something I managed to do prior to Web SDK using callbacks, but for AA and attribution to function correctly we need to ensure proper order of events. For example not letting passive custom links fire before the first page view of the visit. Currently, we have Custom Link events that...
Hi Team, When am activating Audiences to S3, could not find a way to map experienceEvents, but found my attributes under the TimeseriesEvents object under mapping section, but seeing the error when clicked on next button. Error: There was a problem preparing mappings.Bad request parameters or payloa...
"aggregation":{"aggregationType":"BEST_EFFORT","bestEffortAggregation":{"maxUsersPerRequest":10,"splitUserById":false}}Our server can only accept one record per Request but when we keep it as 1 it sends no payload altogether.Above 1 it works it sends 2 records in one payload but we only want one rec...
Hello, We are looking at an option to export data from AEP to S3 bucket but in a bit unusual way.The high level process is:1. Using a query service data from a large Event dataset has been aggregated into a small table.2. Using again query service data from point 1 table has been extracted and send ...
Hi AEP Team, We want speed up our segment/audience test by using on demand/ad-hoc segment evaluation and activate the audience using AEP API. We understand that how to evaluate segment using API. But don't get exact solution to activate the audience using API on data landing zone or SFTP.Does anyone...
Documentation do not cover typecasting the data for primitive types (double to integer)https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/segmentation/pql/arithmetic-functions.html?lang=en Can we typecast the profile data in PQL API query approach? For example: Let's say profile has an attr...