Hello Experts, Lot of third party server side needs a field called Event ID. What value should be assigned to this field? Second question, Also mostly all third party tags ask for any of these 3 fields to be provided with Value, Email ID, IP or Mobile Advertising ID. Is there any way we could avoid ...
Hi all,I need to use adobe campaign managed services as a source in order to ingest tracking and delivery log data in AEP. There is no documentation available to create data flow for Adobe campaign managed services using API. Can anyone guide how do it using api? Will appreciate the if the steps inv...
Hi, i'm facing this issue regarding the modification of attribute display name.I modified some display name (both of custom field and standard adobe fields) and then activated an ingestion on a dataset based on this schema. when data came in the profile store the column display name of the attribute...
Hi all, i have seen that such a issue has been reported in jauary (https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-platform/issues-in-implementing-date-function/m-p/645240#M3738). I'm now experiencing the same. we need to use this function in order to get only date and not time fr...
Hi,Could someone help me on understanding the below:I have a usecase where a person is opening a website through his laptop but doesn't log in to the website but gives his details(firstname,lastname,phone no.) and an ECID is generated for him on that website.Now the same user logs in to the website ...
https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/edge-network-server-api/overviewhttps://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/ingestion/tutorials/streaming-record-data#create-a-streaming-connection edge network batch endpoint or Non-interactive API vs streaming endpo...
Hello,We have upgraded our Capacitor to version 6 and I was getting error "Adobe" plugin is not implemented. so I am trying to migrate ACPCore imports to AEPCore in our AdobePlugin.swift file for push notifications. Not sure if it will resolve the error.I am getting this error while migrating:Adobe...
Hello Everyone, Looking for few clarifications on scheduled query. 1. We understand that query quarantine services makes sure if query fails for successive 10 times it will quarantine the query not to run.2. What we understand is, platform is attempting to rerun the failed query for every 10 mins an...