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How to verify launch rules without using browser plugin?


Level 9

Hello guys,

How to verify launch rules without using browser plugin?



4 Replies


Employee Advisor

@Luca_Lattarini  I feel debugger is the best solution to validate your rules, any challenges with using a browser plugin?



Level 4

@Luca_Lattarini Try DTM switch chrome Extension for validation. By enable debug option from the extension you can able to see what are the rules firing and what are not in console tab of chrome developer tool.
Extension Link : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/launch-and-dtm-switch/nlgdemkdapolikbjimjajpmonpbpmipk?hl=...




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear Luca,

We use '_satellite.logger' in Adobe Launch to debug without any browser plugins or extensions. We can also use the function along with our codes for effective debugging! Found the blog from bounteous was a little easier for you to understand than Adobe's.

Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B | Xerago | Terryn Winter Analytics