Hi Team,We created one custom javascript rule where we firing custom evar , props and events using custom code and firing custom event but becone is firing pageview call not event call. please help us how to fire custom code events by event call not by pageview. Thanks & Regards,Madhusudan Sura | ma...
I have webpages as Single page application (SPA) without refresh. I am getting adobe hit for every URL change with the help of History Change event type. Now I am trying to capture some of the data layer objects on every URL change. For this I created seprate data elements and mapped them to evars &...
Hi Team, I have used data element change event type on purchase rule I have used Order_ID data element, but still the rule is not firing. Kindly help, as I am new to launch. Note: the duration of data element is none.
Hi All, Last year, I was working on ACS push notifications (Collect PII) using Adobe launch and our mobile application integrated with AEP SDK. We found a limitation that we need to create two different Launch properties for two environments - staging and production, since ACS has unique certificat...
Using React Native, I need to update my sdk to 1.2.8 due to the error below Can some please tell me how to do this? > Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'. > Could not find :unspecified:. Required by: project :app > com.adobe.mar...
Is it possible to return a full list of all data elements names in custom code (written under Rules)? I have a few data elements and there will be new elements added in the future. I don't want to update my custom code every time a new element is added. Instead I want to GET a full list of data elem...
HiAfter upgrading to ExperienceSDK I am not able to get the tracking identifier.Analytics.getTrackingIdentifier(object : AdobeCallbackWithError<String> { }It times out after 5 seconds, and as expected the callback is returning the error which is `general.callback.timeout`Do we need to setup anything...
How do I get the SDK to implement SSL pinning so the user of my app can't see the contents of the data that the SDK sends to the Adobe server? This question applies to the iOS SDK. Thanks,Priya
Has anyone experienced a situation when the left side menu in Launch doesn't show up? I'm on a Mac, using Chrome. I used to see the menu, but now all I get is the list of rules and a blank (white) column on the left. I can access the Experience cloud and navigate to AEP Data Collection App. (Launch)...