Hi,In Launch have a Data element of type session Storage, when i do _satellite.logger.log('mySessionStorageJsonObject', _satellite.getVar("mySessionStorageJsonObject")), i see an JSON object like {"userName":"John_Doe","region":"flooded"}.how do i read/push the region value into another DataElement...
Hi,We are using AEP Mobile SDK React Native Edge Bridge extension to send data from our mobile app to Adobe Analytics. Since Edge is used, Data Stream is also configured.We would like like to know, given our use case is AA only, do we need to turn on Geo/Network look up and Device Lookup?As based on...
Hi, I am new to AEP and Adobe Data Collection, I am trying to follow adobe documentation on Javascript Library Web SDK Integration.Adobe learing link: Install the Web SDK using the JavaScript library | Adobe Data CollectionApplication is simple html page, I have added main script inside header and c...
Hi there, We're working through a WebSDK migration at the moment and I have a question about 'this' scope in Update Variables In old AA:If I have a rule that fires on clicking something, in AA Update Variables Custom Code the 'this' object references the clicked HTML element. In WebSDK:Same rule, We...
Hello Experts, I am facing one weired issue. This is regarding DOM Ready events that i am firing in WebSDK platform.Suppose i have 3 different rules which are setting different Events. One is event1, Second rule is setting event2 and 3rd rule is setting event3. Now when i send this data to Platform ...
Is there a way to access application JS variables in launch script?In our application, we store the data received in service calls into a Javascript variable, how do i access this variable in my Data elements in AEP data collection?, the documentation i looked at point to creating a data element of ...
Hi,I want to configure my event, is there any way to specify multiple CSS classes?, i want the event to fire on the condition that the HTML elements that are clicked should have class A AND class B AND Class C. please refer to the screen shot. I want my event to fire when the element iam clicking on...
Hello Adobe Community, While executing routine identity mapping tests I've faced an issue with Identity Namespace: when clicking on the Table Icon in the Identity Namespace line (I want to choose en email as identifier) , I'm getting an unexpected error: clearing cache and restarting computer doesn...
Hi, Right now, we are sending one website web SDK data into 1 DataStream but we got a request to send same website data into 2 DataStream/Sandboxes. Is there any option to handle this use case? thanks in advance
Hello, Could anyone please walk me through the thorough process of mobile app sdk analytics implementation using edge network. ?Currently using the mobile app sdk but through tag implementation. If there is a link that explains step by step instructions that would be great. Thanks