My work has blocked gitbook due to various security concerns. Developers here need access to // to complete their project work. Can anyone successfully download this site/covert it to PDF? Seems to only work 1 page at a time.
We are trying to add AEPAssurance framework manually to our iOS project which is mix of objective-c and swift. For that first we cloned the repo: then we ran the "Make archive" command to extract the .xcframework file and then we are trying to add tha...
I've got a live chat widget dropped on our site via Launch rule. I would like the script to be active during our support hours only. What kind of condition could I use to restrict firing this rule during during our support window? (8 AM to 8 PM CT) Thanks!
Experts, we are trying to migrate from AA (AppMeasurement) to Web SDK. We wanted to make sure the bot/IP filtering could be applied for AEP data collection and have 2 questions here:We do not get unwanted (bot) data in AEP data sets. So is there way to filter out bots (at the edge/data collection le...
Hello gang... We've been running with the WebSDK for a bit now and all has seemed just fine. We've been impressed with the performance as well as the relative ease of implementation. Note that we use the NPM module directly, incorporated into our front-end build process. Throughout testing as well a...
Hi,I need to collect product data by a data layer, I have an array of products, something like:digitalData = { "transaction": { "item": [{ "productInfo": { "productName": "My Product"...
Hi all,We are wondering how everyone is implementing the Google Global site tag in Adobe Launch.We have tried to use the "Google Global site tag" extension from acronym, which is available in the extension list, without any succes (some of the problems we are having are double pageviews, pageviews n...
We are investigating using Adobe tags in our iOS and Android apps for configuring various systems i.e. turning features on and off.I've been trying to find the SDK documentation on how to do that, and have so far drawn a blank.I can see this tutorial which shows the app receiving the tags configurat...
I created a curl command as shown below which will let me subscribe to library updated event and send response to a url. Executed this command in online curl editor which sent 201 response but I don't see any success response in the url when library is updated.curl