Hello Adobe AEP SDK team,We have an Adobe AEP SDK implementation on Android that is working fine on versions prior to Android Q (api level 29) but on Android Q the FCM pushidentifier is not being captured on Campaign dashboard. When i check the logs i see some SQLiteDatabase errors only on Android Q...
I am trying to track percent page viewed on all pages using Adobe Launch. I am new to Adobe so could any one help me on how we have to implement this using Launch.Please help me with the steps on how to achieve this.
Hi,I have a data element within Core > Visitor Behavior > Landing Page that I'm using to pull the first page of the session.If my landing page is this: www.foo.com/?parameter1=testand my current value for landing page data element is this: www.foo.com/campaign?parameter1=testHow can I create another...
Want to get the knowledge for use of execute globally checkbox in custom code under actions. The info link just besides it is not working.Any help would be highly appreciated.
HelloI need to target surveys on site (via Medallia Digital Platform) based on user types (new/returning).As my data layer doesn't store (yet) new/returning visitor types parameters i thought about using Launch as a way around.I created a rule with the following specifics for returning visitors:Even...
Hello,We're at our first app config install and have been using the documentation here Overview - Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs however nothing is appearing in our development RS.We've followed the steps and have set up a new Launch property running Mobile Core, Analytics, Target, Target ve...
I'm trying to structure a Rule where:Event = Direct Call to load Adobe Launch script along with accessing all the sProp variables (such as pageURL)IF I want another rule to fire only on certain pages, what would be the differnece between setting up either of these two conditions:Variable %pageURL% ...
The default session timeout in Adobe Analytics is set to 30 minutes. Is there any rule that I can use in Adobe Launch to fire an event when a session timeout occurs? How can I structure this?Thanks.
Hi ,Recently we migrated from DTM to Adobe Launch. For Debugging purpose I am using "Adobe experience debugger"(chrome extension) third party extension and "dataslayer" extension(third party tool chrome extension).On page load, I have observed in the browser console : "Dataelements" error of "canno...