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Adobe Launch does not send track to Analytics


Level 2

Hi Adobe,


iOS: 10

ACP: 2.0

Recently I am working on integrating Adobe Launch with my application, and I am facing the following issue:

My application is built under ReactNative, so it's using Objective-C for initialization code.

In AppDelegate.m:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions


  NSURL *jsCodeLocation;

  jsCodeLocation = [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index" fallbackResource:nil];

  RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation




  rootView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];

  self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];

  UIViewController *rootViewController = [UIViewController new];

  rootViewController.view = rootView;

  self.window.rootViewController = rootViewController;

  [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];


  //============= Aodbe launch initilization code =============

  [ACPCore setLogLevel:ACPMobileLogLevelVerbose];

  [ACPCore configureWithAppId:@""];


  [ACPAnalytics registerExtension];

  [ACPUserProfile registerExtension];

  [ACPIdentity registerExtension];

  [ACPLifecycle registerExtension];

  [ACPSignal registerExtension];


  [ACPCore start:^{

    [ACPCore lifecycleStart:nil];



  return YES;


I created a swift file to wrap ACPCore functions so that I could call in React Native using javascript, I could verify that those calls went into swift and they've been executed. From the console log, I could see the following:

2019-04-01 09:30:17.313534-0400 Sandbox[1010:329848] [AMSDK DEBUG <Core>]: Registered Configuration module

2019-04-01 09:30:17.315373-0400 Sandbox[1010:329954] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.lifecycle>]: virtual void AdobeMarketingMobile::Lifecycle::OnRegistered()

2019-04-01 09:30:17.322523-0400 Sandbox[1010:329953] [AMSDK ERROR <SystemInfoService>]: Failed to get valid c++ locale string from iOS Platform. Returning the default locale

2019-04-01 09:30:17.322911-0400 Sandbox[1010:329952] [AMSDK DEBUG <DatabaseService>]: <ADBMobileIdentity.sqlite> opened successfully

2019-04-01 09:30:17.325134-0400 Sandbox[1010:329952] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.identity>]: Privacy opted-in: Attempting to send Identity queued hits from database

2019-04-01 09:30:17.330107-0400 Sandbox[1010:329954] [AMSDK DEBUG <DatabaseService>]: <ADBMobileSignals.sqlite> opened successfully

2019-04-01 09:30:17.332887-0400 Sandbox[1010:329951] [AMSDK DEBUG <EventHub(AMSEventHub)>]: Processing Event #0 - { class: "Event", name: "EventHub", source: "com.adobe.eventSource.booted", type: "com.adobe.eventType.hub", pair_id: "", response_pair_id: "4", event_number: 0, timestamp: "1554125417332 ms", data: [], super: { class: "Object", this: 10753941472, typeid: "N20AdobeMarketingMobile5EventE" }}

2019-04-01 09:30:17.333032-0400 Sandbox[1010:329951] [AMSDK DEBUG <EventHub(AMSEventHub)>]: Event #0 (com.adobe.eventType.hub) resulted in 0 consequence events.  Time in rules was 0 milliseconds.

2019-04-01 09:30:17.333261-0400 Sandbox[1010:329955] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: Shared state is created for event number 0 with PENDING

2019-04-01 09:30:17.335493-0400 Sandbox[1010:329961] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: Processing boot configuration event

2019-04-01 09:30:17.335621-0400 Sandbox[1010:329961] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: Loading overridden configuration from persistence -

2019-04-01 09:30:17.335806-0400 Sandbox[1010:329961] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: AppID loaded from persistence - MyLaunchID

2019-04-01 09:30:17.335856-0400 Sandbox[1010:329961] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: Valid AppID is retrieved from persistence - MyLaunchID

2019-04-01 09:30:17.336872-0400 Sandbox[1010:329961] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: Cached configuration loaded.

{"global.privacy":"optedin","analytics.launchHitDelay":0,"analytics.backdatePreviousSessionInfo":true,"analytics.offlineEnabled":true,"__dev__analytics.rsids":"myapp","build.environment":"dev","__ui__.mobileServiceApp":"My App(myappdev)","rules.url":"https://assets.adobedtm.com/myLaunchId.zip","experienceCloud.org":"myCloudId@AdobeOrg","lifecycle.sessionTimeout":300,"mobile.acquisitionAppId":"id","analytics.server":"my.server.com","mobile.acquisitionTimeout":0,"analytics.rsids":"myrsid","__ui__.manualMode":false,"mobile.messagesUrl":"https://assets.adobedtm.com/RandomID/scripts/staelite-id.json","analytics.batchLimit":0,"property.id":"myPropertyId","global.ssl":true,"analytics.aamForwardingEnabled":false,"experienceCloud.server":"dpm.demdex.net"}

It looks fine at this point, after this I noticed:

2019-04-01 09:30:17.372166-0400 Sandbox[1010:329964] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.identity>]: Config not available at the time to process identity event.

2019-04-01 09:30:17.372256-0400 Sandbox[1010:329962] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.analytics>]: Couldn't retrieve shared state for com.adobe.module.configuration, it was pending

2019-04-01 09:30:17.380102-0400 Sandbox[1010:329961] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: Loading overridden configuration from persistence -

2019-04-01 09:30:17.382009-0400 Sandbox[1010:329961] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.configuration>]: Shared state is updated for event number 0 with data

[ [ "analytics.aamForwardingEnabled", false ], [ "analytics.backdatePreviousSessionInfo", true ], [ "analytics.batchLimit", 0.000000 ], [ "analytics.launchHitDelay", 0.000000 ], [ "analytics.offlineEnabled", true ], [ "analytics.rsids", "myrsid" ], [ "analytics.server", "server

However it's still sending something to analytics server when I try to call TrackState(...):

2019-04-01 10:34:37.650428-0400 Sandbox[1060:341517] [AMSDK DEBUG <AnalyticsHitDatabase>]: Analytics request was sent with body (ndh=nalytics request was sent with body (ndh=1&c.&a.&AppID=myapp%201%20%281.0%29&CarrierName=mycarrier&DeviceName=iPhone8%2C1&OSVersion=iOS%2012.1.2&Resolution=750x1334&RunMode=Application&TimeSinceLaunch=66&.a&.c&aamb=...2019-04-01 10:34:51.815732-0400 Sandbox[1060:341437] [AMSDK DEBUG <com.adobe.module.analytics>]: Kick all hits event was sent

And it also triggers 1 consequence event, which is the processing rule being triggered:

2019-04-01 10:34:51.816273-0400 Sandbox[1060:341451] [AMSDK DEBUG <EventHub(AMSEventHub)>]: Event #32 (com.adobe.eventType.generic.track) resulted in 1 consequence events.  Time in rules was 0 milliseconds.

So it looks right here,I also had Charles on and I could see 200[ok] for all track calls to analytics, however none of those hits actually get into Adobe Analytics.

I've tried everything I could however I still can't figure out what happened.


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 4

Hi Zihao,

     When offlineEnabled is set to true, we need to have timestamp enabled in the report suite. 
     Check Analytics Report Suite Manager > youReportSuite > Edit Settings > General > TimeStamp Configuration
     Check if it is enabled.
     Also verify you have the correct Report Suite ID in Launch setting.

    Let me know if you want to send us your company/org and RSID info, we can check them for you.

Best regards,

Calise Cheung

Adobe Experience Cloud

View solution in original post

12 Replies


Level 4

Hi Zihao,

    It takes some time for data to show on Analytics, typically 30 - 60 mins.  Have you waited for some time and checked?

Best regards,

Calise Cheung

Adobe Experience Cloud


Level 2

Hi Calise,

Yes I've waited, actually I've been struggling with this issue for a week, and I could confirm I've gave Analytics enough time to respond.




Level 4

Hi Zihao,

    What's your settings in Launch for Analytics extension? Do you have offline enabled, setting batch limit, etc?

Best regards,

Calise Cheung

Adobe Experience Cloud


Level 2

Hi Calise,

  I had


global.privacy: optedin,

analytics.launchHitDelay: 0,

analytics.offlineEnabled: true



with some other id settings




Correct answer by
Level 4

Hi Zihao,

     When offlineEnabled is set to true, we need to have timestamp enabled in the report suite. 
     Check Analytics Report Suite Manager > youReportSuite > Edit Settings > General > TimeStamp Configuration
     Check if it is enabled.
     Also verify you have the correct Report Suite ID in Launch setting.

    Let me know if you want to send us your company/org and RSID info, we can check them for you.

Best regards,

Calise Cheung

Adobe Experience Cloud


Level 2


Level 4

Hi Zihao,

    In the log you provided, we saw the "analytics.server": is "my.server.com", and "analytics.rsids" is "myrsid".  Just want to confirm you do have a valid server and rsid set when run the real test, right?

Best regards,

Calise Cheung
Adobe Experience Cloud


Level 2

Hi Calise,

We turned off the 'offlineEnabled' and we can see hits in analytics!

Thank you so much for your patience and replies!

Best Regards,



Level 4

Hi Zihao,

     Good to know the issue is resolved.

Best regards,
Calise Cheung
Adobe Experience Cloud


Level 1
Hi guys, run into the same problem. How does you solve this issue? Thanks, Chris


Level 1

Hi guys, run into the same problem. How does you solve this issue? Thanks, Chris


Employee Advisor

Hi @zihaof25182964 


Did you try the Analytics example with React Native? That might help resolve your issues. 


We are actually in the process of releasing a new Swift-based Core, and an updated React Native wrapper to follow. These should be available in Q12021