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Adding additional eVars and props to default download link tracking


Level 9

In the Analytics Extension you can configure which file extensions are considered download links. Is there a way to provide link specific eVars and props to this tracking call?

We are currently using the s.doPlugins as suggested here  https://forums.adobe.com/ideas/5674#comment-163455 to set some additional global variables. But if I want to have link specific ones this doesn't seem the right place to add...

3 Replies


Level 4

On one of the sites I'm running, what I had to do was actually remove PDFs from the default download tracking and then implement a customized s.tl() call on all of our PDF downloads.

The quick version is a click rule on elements with a specific CSS class, and inside there I write the logic to build the beacon (capture the additional eVars such as a human readable PDF name, set linktrackvars/events) and send off the s.tl() call manually. I'm curious if there's a better way to do that now.


Level 9

What I did now is to define a s.doPlugin method, where I check for s.linkType==='d' and then add my custom eVars...


Level 10

I would recommend and click event based rule if you are trying to customize a beacon based on specific links as a previous reply suggested.