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Adobe Deprecated The cookieDomainPeriods variable with AppMeasurement v2.26 and Now My ECIDs Don't Work Correctly


Level 2



Through the testing I have been completing for the Adobe Experience Platform's Web SDK for Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target, I have identified a specific issue relating to the latest version of the AEP Web SDK extension (v2.26) that can be installed in Adobe Launch tag properties. 


I have noticed that with the latest version of the AEP Web SDK extension, the ECIDs that are being generated in my "Interact" requests in the network tab are changing with every interaction/pageView/rule that fires. This was confusing me for quite a while and after contact Adobe support, they said they hadn't received any complaints regarding this issue. Because my test website is being hosted locally, the domain name is "localhost" and as a result, Adobe were suggesting that the server was the cause of this issue. However, after doing some additional research, I discovered that in the latest version of AppMeasurement (v2.26), Adobe has deprecated the cookieDomainPeriods variable. As my test site only had one cookieDomainPeriod, since I have installed the updated version of the AEP Web SDK extension, the ECIDs of my requests are all unique and the ECID is not persisting between requests due to a new kndctr_B1391C8B533095AA0A490D4D_AdobeOrg_identity cookie being set after every rule that fires. This wasn't occurring prior to the extension update and the deprecation of cookieDomainPeriods. Please see below an extract from this article relating to cookieDomainPeriods - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/implementation/vars/config-vars/cookiedomainper... :


"For implementations on AppMeasurement v2.26.x or later, the s_ac cookie is used to help automatically determine the correct cookie domain. The library first attempts to write a cookie including two domain periods. If setting this cookie fails, it tries again, including more domain periods until it succeeds. This cookie is immediately deleted once set."


Therefore, the updated extension looks for domains with a minimum of two domain periods and if it fails, it tries to increase that number until it succeeds. Therefore, due to my test site only having one domain period, i.e. "localhost", the cookie cannot be set and persist and therefore the ECID is updated with every interaction/page load/rule fire. 


Adobe don't seem to be aware of this specific issue so I thought I would share it with the Adobe community in case others come across this issue in future as there is currently no documentation relating to this. This ideally needs to be reviewed by Adobe as this impacts the efficiency of testing for anyone who is using localhost or a site with just one cookie domain period.


Many thanks


2 Replies



@Hey_John @Asheesh_Pandey @Jacob-DDdev @JyotiSharmaV @leocwlau @arpan-garg Curious to hear SMEs perspectives on this question. Do you all mind sharing your thoughts?

Kautuk Sahni


Community Advisor

Hi @liamevans11 

can you describe your setup and little? Sounds like you are using both Web SDK and AppMeasurement in parallel?

Cheers from Switzerland!