We have a single page app and we want to use Adobe Launch to capture every click in a concatenated variable.In this single concatenated variable, on the click we want to capture "Page Title" and from the element we want to capture | "type=" | "name=" | "id="The variable will have the following valu...
Hi, could someone please clarify the pros and cons of setting up Adobe's DTM with data elements listening for changes in your 'digitalData' data layer object versus using the _satellite.track('my-event') direct calls ?It seems like both Adobe Analytics and DTM have their own data layers with their o...
What are the best practices for Single-Page Apps tracking using Launch? Basically, I'm looking for a robust techique for collecting / dispatching virtual pageviews (JS framework agnostic).Here https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/experience-cloud/launch/c_extension-dtm.html I found that ...
Are you using the Akamai hosting option for your Launch libraries? If the answer is yes, then this post is for you!We have been working with Akamai to implement cache control headers on DTM and Launch libraries. This functionality is now in production for both Adobe and Akamai. This means that all p...
We've developed a new guide with how-to videos to help you get started with Mobile Services and the Mobile SDKs. This guide is available at the following link:Mobile App Engagement Guide You'll LearnHow to set up a mobile app in Adobe Mobile Services. How to add the Mobile Services SDK to your app t...
Apps are a different beast, and we want to make them a little easier to work with. How do you currently debug analytics on mobile apps? What works and what doesn't? What do you wish was better? The more detail you include (especially examples) the better it is for us!
Last week at Adobe Summit, we announced our next generation tag management solution, Launch by Adobe. We know you're just as excited about Launch as we are and we can't wait to release the finished product! In the meantime, if you have questions, leave a comment below and we'll do our best to answer...