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Tuesday's Tech Bytes - Adobe Experience Platform


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Hello everyone! Welcome to 'Tuesday's Tech Bytes', a weekly thread on Adobe Experience Platform for the next 6-8 weeks. I will be leading this thread along with my co-author @Pradeep Subramanian for the next 6-8 weeks where you can expect some cool content from our side on the below themes (2 posts across each theme):

  1. Tips & tricks in Adobe Web/Mobile SDK Migration
  2. Best practices to follow while migrating Adobe Web/Mobile SDK
  3. Stories or Use Cases with Adobe Experience Platform
  4. Adobe Experience Platform Golden Nuggets


Authors Introduction:


I am Pratheep Arun Raj, and I work as an Enterprise Architect at NextRow Digital. I have 12+ years of experience in multiple MarTech Solutions with Analytics and Optimization, as my primary domains. With Adobe, I am an Adobe Community Advisor, User Group Leader For APAC, and Adobe Experience League Certification Portal Ambassador. You can load the Experience League Learning Home Page to see me (The picture was a little old though). Holding all 7 certifications across Analytics, Target, and Audience Manager in Adobe + Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Expert Developer, totaling 8 certifications. Location in Chennai (India). Author of Terryn Winter Analytics, Technical Blog Portal; successfully blogged about 51 topics as of date.


Introducing @Pradeep Subramanian, co-author for this thread and my mentor in Adobe Experience Platform. He leads Enterprise Architecture and Product Development at NextRow Digital. He has 12+ years of experience in the MarTech landscape with a strong focus on both business and technical aspects. Prior to NextRow, he spent about 8 years in Adobe as an Analytics Consultant, Audience Manager Consultant, and Architect in Global Center of Excellence Teams. Specialized in building innovative products using Adobe's API ecosystem and other enterprise APIs. 5x Adobe Certified Expert, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner & Google Analytics IQ Certified. Speaker @adobe Summit 2022 on Adobe Experience Platform and what not?!


With the bundle of knowledge, we have gathered during our Adobe Web/Mobile SDK Migration for some of our existing clients, we will try to give out some easily understandable and important information surrounding the mentioned themes.


Said that, all our threads are available as a direct link in blog response (Our first post on Tips & tricks in Adobe Web/Mobile SDK Migration (Part 01) is already up and ready to consume). So, bookmark this page if necessary and continue reading the series for a few key points. I'd love to hear your opinions on the threads and learn from your own experiences, do share your comments and ideas.



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion
