once I tried to create new servlet in my project and deploy the change to aem instance, it is deployed fine, but I got the servlet in satisfied status and i cannot use it? why it is not active?
once I tried to check the logs, here what I get
08.08.2022 22:29:02.094 *ERROR* [OsgiInstallerImpl] b2c-agent-portal.core bundle b2c-agent-portal.core:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT (589)[com.adobe.aem.react.core.servlets.TestServlet(3746)] : Could not load implementation object class com.adobe.aem.react.core.servlets.TestServlet (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.adobe.aem.react.core.servlets.TestServlet not found by react-v26.core [583])
TestServlet : is my new servlet name
b2c-agent-portal.core: my project name
react-v26 : another old project on the same aem instance
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I would like to focus on below points -
I want to take a look into your Servlet code.
Can you please try checking by adding property immediate=true for @component annotation
As the log says "implementation object class" - check the object for impl class in your servlet.
here is a sample code- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/forms/store-and-retrieve-af-with-2f...
I would like to focus on below points -
I want to take a look into your Servlet code.
Please check all reference variables are successfully referenced in impl class of the servlet. Go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/components find servlet and check all Reference implementations by click servletpath.
It would be good if you share reference servlet code