Hello all,
We are trying to activate the reverse replication, but we are facing some issues.
When 'On Modification' and 'On Distribute' is active the content is replicated back to author, but deactivating a page, also deletes it from author mode.
When only 'On Distribute' is active, none of the content is replicated back to author. Even our pages with cq:distribute, cq:lastModified and cq:lastModifiedBy.
I checked our log files and I am sure the reverse replication is duplicating the deactivate event and deleting the page from author instance.
I also read the documentation and tutorials:
Based on the documentation, if I check 'On Distribute' only pages marked with cq:distribute should be used, but this seems to be ignored without 'On Modification'.
And checking 'On Modification' causes the pages to be deleted from author instance when deactivation.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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I'm assuming you've read this section :
Replication Agents - Out of the Box
I do not have expertise in configuring reverse replication, but I assume you would need to do more than just checking boxes.
I also found these links :
Troubleshooting Replication : http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/deploy/troubleshoot-rep.html
Other forum post : http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manage...
stackoverflow post : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20162289/cq-5-6-reverse-replication-replication-triggered-but-no-...
- JK
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Sorry to say, but the problem description isn't much clear to me. What is the exact problem you are facing in reverse replication?. Can you share steps what are you doing and what do you expect?.
Good to mention
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Hello Jitendra,
We are using AEM 6.1.
Issue with reverse replication:
When 'On Modification' and 'On Distribute' is checked on reverse replication agent:
Behavior: content is replicated when page is update back to author instance correctly
Issue: Deactivating a page also deletes it from author instance
When 'On Distribute' is checked and 'On Modification' is not checked on reverse replication agent:
Behavior: content is replicated when page is created
Issue: Updating a page doesn't update in author instance
Is it clearer now?
Thank you for the help
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I'm assuming you've read this section :
Replication Agents - Out of the Box
I do not have expertise in configuring reverse replication, but I assume you would need to do more than just checking boxes.
I also found these links :
Troubleshooting Replication : http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/deploy/troubleshoot-rep.html
Other forum post : http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manage...
stackoverflow post : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20162289/cq-5-6-reverse-replication-replication-triggered-but-no-...
- JK
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Hello Murilo,
what is the use case for using reverse replication?
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Hello Opkar Gill,
Users subscribe to receive updates from our portal in the publish environment.
The reverse replication sends the information to the author and the author sincronize between the publish farms.
The author sends an email using the list of users subscribed.
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May I ask how you ended up resolving this issue? I'm currently running into the same problem in AEM 6.2.
Deactivated content is being removed from the author instance and activated content is also being reverse replicated back to the author (showing as modified by replicator-service).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Facing the same problem can you tell me how did you solve it?. The accepted answer does contain links but they are not working.
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