Hello Team,
Few days back we had an AEM release; after installing all packages (specifically ui-content) we found that it overwrote the last release changes.
We do have a merge filter added in vault folder.
We only changed the package versioning , previously it was like company-site-external.all-2.4.30.zip and now its company-site-external.all-release_2023.1.0___4.zip.
It works perfectly fine on lower environment however it fails on prod environment.
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@hemantsav is it on-prem, AMS or AEM Cloud?
If on-prem or AMS, How are you deploying packages in lower environment? Via cloud manager or Any other deployment tool? In that case need to check package version snapshot vs major vs minor release numbers.
If all the above good, whats really getting override, ui.content? Can you post your filter.xml?
It's on-prem.
On lower environments we are deploying via CI/CD using AEM API for deployment.
While in PROD we did manual deployment.
"whats really getting override ? " ==> we have one folder (has html under it) under content as content/company-site-external/us/en/articles/5787280/5787280.html ; after new release package installation folders those are created after our last release (in Feb 2023) got deleted. Other child folders (created prior to Feb 2023 release) are there without any issues.
Content that is published under content/company-site-external/us/en/articles are created dynamically and uploaded to AEM dynamically .i.e we create a AEM package with html into it, upload it to Author using API , then install it via API then trigger the replication to get it to other publisher instances.
Content of filter.xml in content package's vault folder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workspaceFilter version="1.0"> <filter root="/conf/company-site-external" mode="merge"/> <filter root="/content/company-site-external" mode="merge"/> </workspaceFilter>
After this issue I realised my new versioning is not semver ; Could that be issue? Because we haven't change anything in config except versioning.
Unzip the ui.content package that was last installed and check the filter.xml file and the mode option, if specified. The filter mode if specified as "merge" for all the filter path definitions, should by definition, should only add the new nodes from the ui.content package and shouldn't update the existing nodes.
Also, check the source of the ui.content package itself.
Content of filter.xml in content package's valut folder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workspaceFilter version="1.0"> <filter root="/conf/company-site-external" mode="merge"/> <filter root="/content/company-site-external" mode="merge"/> </workspaceFilter>
Hello @hemantsav
The versioning should not have caused issues, as you have changed the name of the package also.
I would suggest taking a backup on local and try deploying the release package.
Mode=merge shouldn't have modified anything. Also, can you please post what specifically has changed?
If it possible that you have similar filters in some other module as well?
"can you please post what specifically has changed?" ==> we have one folder (has html under it) under content as content/company-site-external/us/en/articles/5787280/5787280.html ; after new release package installation folders those are created after our last release (in Feb 2023) got deleted. Other child folders (created prior to Feb 2023 release) are there without any issues.
Content that is published under content/company-site-external/us/en/articles is created dynamically and uploaded to AEM dynamically .i.e we create a AEM package with html into it, upload it to Author using API , then install it via API then trigger the replication to get it to other publisher instances.
Content of filter.xml in content package's vault folder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workspaceFilter version="1.0"> <filter root="/conf/company-site-external" mode="merge"/> <filter root="/content/company-site-external" mode="merge"/> </workspaceFilter>
Hello @hemantsav -
The issue seems to be related to the deletion of folders that were created after the last release in the content/company-site-external/us/en/articles path. Here are a few steps to investigate further: