Hi all,
I have one AEM project that has structure
"all" module filevault-package-maven-plugin embedds core, ui.apps, ui.config and ui.content to install as a zip in package manager.
I have deployed this whole project as a zip packages in Github-Packages using "mvn deploy" command to private Github repository.
I am using this 1st AEM project as a maven dependency in 2nd fresh new AEM project but when I build the code it runs successfully, but my 1st projects' 4 packages are keep installing in a loop on package manager.
2nd Project main pom file has (fetching code successfully from private Github repo)
2nd Project "all" pom file has
<!-- skip sub package validation for now as some vendor packages like CIF apps will not pass -->
Also I have added filters in "all" > filter.xml
<workspaceFilter version="1.0">
<filter root="/apps/wknd-packages"/>
<filter root="/apps/wknd-vendor-packages"/>
<filter root="/apps/aemconnector"/>
<filter root="/apps/aemconnector-packages"/>
<filter root="/apps/cq/core/content/nav"/>
My 1st project has RepoInit script to create user and assign ACL permissions,
create path /var/aemconnector/shared-assets/experience-fragments(sling:OrderedFolder)
create path /var/aemconnector/dynamic-configs(sling:OrderedFolder)
create path /var/aemconnector/sync-logs(sling:OrderedFolder)
create group aemconnector-service-group with path /home/groups/aemconnector
create service user aemconnector-content-user with forced path system/cq:services/aemconnector
set principal ACL for aemconnector-content-user
allow jcr:all on /content
allow jcr:all on /conf
allow jcr:all on /var
set principal ACL for aemconnector-service-group
allow jcr:all on /content
allow jcr:all on /conf
allow jcr:all on /var
create group aemconnector-administrator-group with path /home/groups/aemconnector
create group aemconnector-marketing-group with path /home/groups/aemconnector
add aemconnector-content-user to group aemconnector-service-group
User is created but ACL permissions are not assigned correctly, I beleive this could be the issue for packages are installing in a loop.
Please help here if someone has used AEM project as a maven dependency and also creates user using RepoInit script.
Thanks in advance!
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Hi @HitK ,
Can you try ensure principal ACL once to get the exact error as per doc https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/repository-initialization.html
I tried replcing "add principal" with "ensure principal" and also I had to change the aem-analyser version to 1.5.12 for successful build but It did not resolve the issue.
*ERROR* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.aemconnector.core.schedulers.AssetSyncScheduler Error in AssetSyncScheduler activate method
org.apache.sling.api.resource.LoginException: Cannot derive user name for bundle aem-connector-cloud.core [619] and sub service aemconnector-service
at org.apache.sling.resourceresolver.impl.ResourceResolverFactoryImpl.getServiceResourceResolver(ResourceResolverFactoryImpl.java:79) [org.apache.sling.resourceresolver:1.11.6]
My Mapping config file is as below,
"user.mapping": [
Instead of application can you please try container
thanks @aanchal-sikka for suggesting this, but even using the container did not fix the issue. packages are still installing in a loop
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