The vhost file only seems to support http (non SSL) traffic.We want to have: -> https://www.ourdomain.com - > https://www.ourdomain.com -> We would guess something like this wou...
Getting this error in logs. AEM would not render anymore 25.09.2021 11:08:10.964 *ERROR* [metrics-RRD4JReporter-1-thread-1] com.codahale.metrics.ScheduledReporter Exception thrown from RRD4JReporter#report. Exception was RRD already closed, cannot store th...
Hi There, I am getting the below error while mocking content fragment in mockito. Error :java.lang.AbstractMethodError: io.wcm.testing.mock.aem.MockContentFragment_ContentElement_Structured.getValue()Lcom/adobe/cq/dam/cfm/FragmentData; Code Snippet : ContentElement content = contentFragment.get().ge...
I have backend implementation that adds property under preference node. Example /home/users/S/aiowerlakjf_lkjwer/preferenceI am using service user to update user preference. All the users' preference are updating as expected, however there is one user which is replicated, preference of this user is ...
I'm trying to understand the how many nodes I can traverse through Query builder query and fetch data from the repository without impacting AEM system performance?
Can we use a dialog participant step at the beginning of the workflow to collect the details from author while launching the workflow ? M...
We have requirement that we have to upgrade the jackson-databind version 2.8.2 to 2.12.5. I have updated the pom.xml, but after building the code OSGI bundle is in always install state. If anyone worked on similar requirement then please let me know.PFB jackson-databind dependency in pom.xml.
Hi All,I had created a workflow with one process step and provided some arguments. While I was trying to retrieve the Metadata args, I was getting only PROCESS key and its value, not PROCESS_ARGS key and value. But I can see the value on crx workflow model. Below the code snippet I use,String proces...
I have written a query for that I have also define the index and it is executing correctly but not getting thought is, property which I am filtering that is set by in aem commerce a dropdown that why it is not able to match but if am filtering a property which set simple text then I am g...
We want to apply two rewrite rules1. Make uppercase to lower case2. Forward http to https We have this in our dispatcher but it's failing deployment and messing other scripts - can anyone point out what is wrong here? RewriteMap lowercase int:tolowerRewriteCond $1 [A-Z]RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ /${lowerc...