Hi, I am not able to find solution for above error. please find my code snippet below import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;import org.osgi.service.component....
hi folks,I've recently started getting the above errors (though I haven't added any code!) with Cloud Manager. I assume that CM SonarQube has been updated ? It is not so terrible for me in that I can override them. However it adds a manual step to the deployment that I don't want. Any suggestions ...
Hi Team, I am facing this issue Authentication services on publish environment, Please help, Not able to resolve it on publish environment. ERROR:02.06.2021 11:05:07.031 *ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] ERROR: Error stopping bundle. (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Nothing registered at /crx/de)java.l...
I am trying to modify a javascript file in the clientlibs folder in the publisher instance for debugging purpose. After I add a console log and saved the file. it is showing 403 error in the page. The other JS files included to the page are loading without any issue and only the modified file is sho...
Hi All, I'm working on AEM version 6.4 and still not able to see OOTB Teaser component here /apps/core/wcm/components. I've also checked that 'org.apache.sling.models.impl' is present on my instance but Teaser specific model is not registered (com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Teaser) I tried ...
Hello All - I see the behavior that the page properties dialog tab is blank only when I create a page. once the page is created, I am able to see the all fields. The issue is happening only with the page creation flow. If it is an individual fields, I can use "cq:showOnCreate" to handle the field bu...
I am using Microsoft Graph api and would like to know how to add that dependency in maven. I have tried with below entries but not working as expected. Added below entry in dependencies<dependency><groupId>com.microsoft.graph</groupId><artifactId>microsoft-graph</artifactId><version>3.2.0</version...
Hello,I wanted to try the WKND SPA Tutorial, and running AEM off of the following:Java 8AEM 6.5.5Maven 6.3.6Archetype 27I started off with a clean author instance with the service pack installed, and when I first perform the mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage it would build fine, until...I...
It appears that the MSM features are not fully available for Experience Fragments like we do have for sites. I cannot setup a Language Masters and The Actual Languages and establish a Live Copy Relationship. Is that in the roadmap for future releases Or anybody has suggestions here. I am struggling...
Hello All - Can someone please tell me if you have implemented the scenario in JSP based component as HTL doesn't support Taglibs: Author the JSTL tags and process it. Currently the JSTL tags authored in printing as is and it is not processed. Please let me know.