I am trying to delete components in any aem pages but its not get deleting, I don't know what happening. Here i cliked on the delete option but the component is not getting deleted. This problem i am facing for all pages and for all components. there are not getting deleted when i clicked on delete...
I have a use case where i need to restrict the custom group for deleting the page. And also custom group should be able author the pages like adding components and removing the those. I'm using repo init script for this restriction. the issue is when i try to restrict group for deletion its also dis...
Hi all, We just upgrade to AEM 6.5.0 from 6.2. we got below error when we try to trigger the function. java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method "javax.xml.ws.Service.<init>(Ljava/net/URL;Ljavax/xml/namespace/QName;)V" the class loader (instance of org/apache/felix/...
I have a requirement where by default one tab will appear on dialog with 1 dropdown(FullWidth(default) and Contained) and 1 RTE if author select contained he should see another tab in dialog with text Field and image place holder. For default I am clear it should be visble.. how to show only the ta...
Hi All, Adobe document is showing at least 50% unit test coverage is required for deployment pipeline. Question: can we bypass unit test coverage in dev,stage,prod cloud manager pipeline ? ThanksChetan
Hi there, users are trying to share collection using the "Link sharing" option in UI, adds a user to share with, subject etc and clicks share, error prompt displays with the following info:"Share Link : an error occurred in link sharing"Is there something that needs to be configured for this feature...
I am using eaem font color picker, that is working fine on page level. But if I try to use it at template level I am facing some issue. In console I see this error :- Uncaught TypeError: Handlebars.compile is not a functionUpon checking further, I see there is a version difference.On page level Hand...
we are logging from the external website, then that website post the login details to the /content/XXXX.html.I am getting those details using1. http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr2. Search for 'Apache Sling Referrer Filter'3. Remove POST method from the filter. Then you can call your POST...
I have an application that works with AEM Assets (uploading and downloading) and I want to use an actual access token instead of the Local Development Token that the AEM instance provides.I am using those topics as an example:https://medium.com/tech-learnings/how-to-manage-the-protected-aem-resource...
Hi there, regarding searching assets based on smart tags, we are unable to get any search results when using more that one search term in AEM AaCs, anyone else have the same experience?Steps to reproduce: 1. Check smart tags on an asset2. Choose two or more of the smart tags for your search test3. I...