I was trying to setup a replica of dispatcher on a Linux environment same as how we have on AEM as Cloud. I was able to extract the files using the below command:./aem-sdk-dispatcher-tools-<version>-unix.sh Can someone tell me what are the next steps to configure the dispatcher on Linux? When I ran...
Hi All, We are using a shared datastore for author and publishers in our platform.As we are currently facing the reference files are creating in s3 under meta folder which is causing take huge memory. When we run the garbage collection for boolean value as a false then i am seeing some of the bold i...
Is there a way to change component's ID when called by data-sly-resource?I have a object list and uses data-sly-resource to iterate each resource.The problem is that the IDs for each component called uses the ID of the parent component, therefore encountering an issue with ID not being unique.
Hi there,I have searched the web but not found anything. I currently have three pages that have basically the same title, which isn't helpful for search engine results. Now I am not allowed to change the title/heading of the page, which is why I just want to change the title tag / meta title for my ...
Hi All, I am facing issue while generating sitemap.xml, We have followed AEM document "https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/seo/sitemaps.html?lang=en" but it not works.Currently we are using AEM as a cloud service, we also checked it on 3 different machines but obse...
Hi Community, I am facing an issue during deployment on production instance in AEMaaCS. Following is the error log : [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 11.93 s <<< FAILURE! - in com.ranosys.website.it.tests.PublishPageValidationIT[ERROR] validateHomepage(com.ran...
I am working on a project which have frontend as react.I want to test the styling for that components by running it live and see the changes as I change them.I have see a video on not aware how to add that to my project.thanks in advance.
All, I want to validate if a proeprty value exists prior to saving page properties.Tried below but although it submits the form just stays in its place showing the save and cancel buttons while i want it to take me out of the screen.Tried $propertiesForm.submit(); Kindly let me know(function($docu...
Hi All, Could you please help on this below issue.error.log - the twitter feed scheduler is erroring out with the following exception and so does not retrieve twitter feed.17.12.2021 13:10:00.001 ERROR [sling-default-4-com.adobe.acs.commons.twitter.impl.TwitterFeedScheduler.7881] com.adobe.acs.commo...