Hi, We are working on a form where we have a panel with 5 fields repeated 10 times. These fields are text fields and user is supposed to enter values. Now we want to read user entered values of these fields and send in email.We can read the value in Javascript using guideBridge as follows => guideBr...
We are getting below error while trying to sync AEM authored emails to campaign. It particularly happens when creating email by coping to existing email and trying to sync. This issue appeared after upgrading to 6.5.10.
In Editable Templates you can set a policy to allow components on the Layout Container. I add my component to the allowed components in the Layout Container policy. This component has a parsys which should only allow author to add Text component but author can add any component allowed on the Layout...
Actually i have requirement like , we have uploaded the json files in dam asset, the file was frequently changing and need to maintain the version. I have tried to created the version using the option in AEM, but the version is created for the old content which is already updated not for the current...
Dear Members,I was analysing the network call for a page, one very unique kind of issue I observed that is :Not able to see the last-modified header for page content, for other type like dam, clientlibs fonts an all I can can the header in the same network call.First I thought this my be the reason ...
I'm trying to set up a new local AEM instance (version 6.5.11) but all the pages are showing up blank. (including the We-Retail pages) I see the following error message in the logs. I've tried restarting and rebuilding client libraries but no luck. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.FileNotFoundEx...
Hi , Wanted to know if there is any way or exact I could use to fetch the values that are stored in saml based on runmodes I have under/apps/project/configuration/config.localcom.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler-applicationName from that i need to fetch logout url value .The propert...
Hello, We noticed that when a page has a redirect set viap page properties) and you try to edit the page in AEM you will see that the targeted page opens and not the actual page you want to edit in the structure. Is this a feature added in a recent service pack? I could not find anything in the rel...