We have a problem from the stakeholders with a complex component, the component has a multifield with a number of product fields like sku, image path, description, etc. The authors wanted to make it collapsible but also wished if they could see the sku number in the Collapsible title 'Collapse' to e...
Hi Team, We are trying to do AEM-Frontend Developer Course from the below URL: https://solutionpartners.adobe.com/content/dam/solution/en/spp_assets/public/public_4/Partner_Learner_Journey.pdf. After completion of Phase 1 And we trying to go Phase 2 ,it is redirecting Phase 1 again . Could you pleas...
Hi Team, We are trying to do the AEM -UI developer Course from the below URLhttps://solutionpartners.adobe.com/solution-partners/home/learn/credentials/certification/partner_mentorship.htmlAfter completing the Phase 1 Courses and when navigating to Phase 2 courses, the page is again redirecting back...
We create a AEM pages using PageManager class. Like this I want to create a XML file dynamically and store in DAM location. Can anyone tell me what API should be used to create a XML files in AEM?
I want to use org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils class so I added a below dependency in core module, Parent POM- <dependency> <groupId>commons-beanutils</groupId> <artifactId>commons-beanutils</artifactId> <version>1.9.4</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> Core POM- ...
Hello, Can anyone please help me locate the template for the Mail action type in Form Container component? I need to customize the template a bit by changing the wordings, etc. Currently, the default email looks like this.
When we want to add some redirects, the process takes several weeks and costs tens if not hundreds of thousands of pounds. This is because we have to update the dispatcher configs in our project, build it several times on dev (which takes on average 1.5 hours each build) to test it, then schedule t...
Hi,I have 2 AEM 6.5 Publish instances connected to an Oracle database schema. The schema contains one table that is used for statistical data collection. When an user fills in and saves an AEM xdp form that is rendered as HTML5 form, the name of the form, title and timestamp is written as a row in ...
hi all, in the dialog I have tag picker and dropdown with datasource. I need to populate dropdown with list of child tags for the parent tag selected in tag picker.What I haven't managed to figure out is how to read dialog props. from datasource handler class.I tried with sling model and with WCMUse...
I have a servlet which provides JSON for the page. I wanted to get page properties in my code in that servlet. But every time I add page manager or current page to my servlet, the JSON stops loading. And there's no error.I have the page path. But adapting it to a page is causing issue.