Hello, I have come across where we have cronjob with OSGI configurations written for the cron expression. https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/scheduler-service-commons-scheduler.html#scheduling-with-a-cron-expression-1 Instead of getting the time stamp from OSGI , I would want to get ...
type=sling:Folderdaterange.property=jcr:createddaterange.lowerBound=2022-09-06T01:00:00.000daterange.upperBound=2022-09-08T18:00:00.000group.1_group.path=/content/damgroup.2_group.path=/content/dam/we-retailgroup.p.or=truep.limit=-1 How to add path.self=true in above query.
type=sling:Folderdaterange.property=jcr:lastModifieddaterange.lowerBound=2022-09-01T01:00:00.000daterange.upperBound=2022-09-24T18:00:00.000path=/content/dam1_group.p.or=truep.limit=-1 I want to add multiple paths when I am adding that getting not getting proper result? how to add multiple paths ...
Hi, I am using dropdown field with show/hide property which has two values and it will populate different set of required field items based upon the selection.So, when i author and try to save any one of the dropdown items , it throws error showing the required fields in other dropdown items are not...
Hi Community, We have a requirement of migrating the blog website on AEM. Currently, we are having a blog website on WordPress which has more than 1000 records of blog data and we need to migrate them to AEMaaCS. Is there any way we can migrate the entire blog data using any migration tool t...
Hi All, Could you please please explain about the adaptables in sling models when to go for Resource and when to go for SlingHttpServletRequest what is the use cases @ Model(Adaptables=Resource.class) - what will exactly happen when we adapt Resource @ Model(Adaptables=SlingHttpServletRequest.c...
Hello Team, I am learning AEM, I have familiar with AEM sites, components, DAM and CRXDE tool. But I'm not that much familiar with Sling models, htl, dispatcher the backend skills. Can anyone suggest me any tutorials other than experience league for more about sling, resource, jcr etc.
I was implementing the transformer on an AEM project. My goal is to grab the whole HTML on transformer or any backend services where I can modify some elements of the html if needed. Is there any way to do it?