I recently converted a set of json generating servlets to use the jackson sling model exporter. Previously, I used gzip encoding and wrote the http entity with a gzip writer after I had constructed the json objects myself--not a very fun or concise process. I am thrilled with the clarity and brevi...
Hi, I generated code from latest archetype and deployed to aem. When I am restarting the AEM server , getting below error HTTP ERROR 503 Problem accessing /. Reason: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request. Step to preproduce Start Vanilla/New instance AEM 6.5 instance...
hi, just for a test we would like to enable querybuilder on cloud sandbox publishing instance. We tried changing filters.any Added 2 rules $include "./default_filters.any" /0100 { /type "allow" /path "*/bin/querybuilder*" /selectors "*" /extension "*" } # allow non-public content directori...
I am trying to add a couple of fields to experienceFragmentsIndex-3 .. I did all of the instructions and didn't even change the code I got from dev server on cloud: <experienceFragmentsIndex-3-custom-1 jcr:primaryType="oak:QueryIndexDefinition" async="[async,nrt]" compat...
Hi All We are seeing duplicate content on preview mode. Issue: When we publish the XFs to preview though, we're now seeing double/repeating content on the preview page. Here is the page reference: https://preview-p24859-e93037.adobeaemcloud.com/site/us/en/products/computing/hybrid-cloud-operations...
Hello Everyone! Have a quick question regarding calling components inside another component. I have a main navigation custom component, where I am pulling in the 'image' and 'navigation' core components using the data-sly-resource. Please refer to the below code snippet. <sly data-sly-resource="${ '...
Hi team, I'm facing a error like below. Cannot serve request to /editor.html/content/xx.html in libs/fd/af/authoring/editors/rendercondition/form/form.jsp. Java.lang.NoClassDefFounderError: com/adobe/aemds/guide/utils/GuideUtils Any suggestions would be highly appreciated
Actual scenario! Now below is the code I have developed. <sly data-sly-use.templates="core/wcm/components/commons/v1/templates.html"></sly> <sly data-sly-call="${templates.placeholder @ isEmpty = wcmmode.edit}" /> <div data-sly-use.carousel="com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Carousel" d...
Hi all, I'm a developer of a Mac product that batch exports InDesign files to various formats. A customer just told me that some of their files will be soon hosted on AEM DAM and asked if it will be possible to still use my product to automate their processing. So I wonder if there are API opt...
I have requirement to run a report daily that provides details of all the assets uploaded that day (the day the report is created) with who uploaded the assets and missing metadata . what is the query i can use to get the list of assets which are uploaded/created the day report is generated?