Hello, we need to proxy some locations with mod_proxy proxypass directive,I am struggling with the way to disable dispatcher for some paths: in <Location > tags in apache is it possible to use SetHandler default-handler and then proxypass?would this be needed after the generic <Directory / > disp...
I have a custom component say "componentA" ->I am writing my business logic in my sling model of the component and using the fields via annotation @ValueMapValue ->and using the properties in HTL via e.g : ${model.propertyOne} -> But when I put two component on the same page , my HTL behaves very d...
Hi I have added rep:glob restriction on "/content/we-retail/us" as shown in below fig. When I am login Aem using TestUser credentials I should not able to access /content/we-retail/us as it is in restriction but TestUser able to access. Why this is so? Please let me know how restriction are worki...
Hi, I am following the WKND tutorial and learning how to build custom components. I have created a component definition and sync'd it to AEM, but the component is not recognized by the system. What could be the cause of this? At this step, the component is not available in my local instance. ...
Dear All, We are using dynamic media. When I upload PDF to AEM, it is getting uploaded to dynamic media. However, all the dynamic media related properies are not getting updated to the PDF asset metadata for example - dam:scene7FileStatus, dam:scene7PublishPending etc. dam:scene7FileStatus is alwa...
Hi Team, Can I know pagination for Sites and Assets. How much limitation for the pagination? example: if we have 100 pages in a site, how much it could be display for the first pagination. like 10 or 20 pages? Regards Chandrika
I have seen someone asking about API rate limit when running AEM in local, where there is no rate limit however I was curious to know that's the same case for AEM cloud as well or we have limits there?
I am looking for some guidelines to redesign our AEM application with microfrontend using SPA or some microfrontend frameworks. So, if someone worked on it, please share some info and steps to follow.
Dear community, I'm trying to set dynamic meta tag on my page for open graph (OG) that can be seen when sharing via social media (AEM 6.5). I can now set a default one in structure/page/customheaderlibs. However, some pages contain specific images, and I want to replace the default OG content wi...