Hi, cc @Jörg_Hoh @kautuk_sahni ,We are using AEM 6.5.13 and extensively use Content Fragment but are not using graphql at the moment. ` With AEM 6.5.13 Release Notes, known issues, we installed below index package AEM Content Fragment with GraphQL Index Package 1.0.3 this installed below three index...
I created a group called Down Group and assed Contributors as a member. And created a test user called down-group-user and mapped the test user to the Down Group. The following error appears when I try to login with the test user, Group Setting Error while login My understanding is that Cont...
Hi Team, We have a CSV having list of assets to be deleted from instance and the list is in bulk [100+ assets path] Removal of bulk assets will be one time activity, so what could be the best optimized approach? eg : Path /content/dam/test/test-a/image.png /content/dam/test/test-a/test-image.j...
We are on AEM 6.5, there is a requirement to customize adobe launch wizard . There is some validation that needs to be done before the launch is published. Can this - create launch wizard be called from a workflow so that we can have necessary customization ?
Hi, cc @Jörg_Hoh @kautuk_sahni, https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/release-notes/release-notes.html#known-issues When trying to move/delete/publish either Content Fragments or Sites/Pages, there is an issue when Content Fragment references are fetched, as the backgr...
We’re trying to replicate/duplicate 70+ articles which use a template with an experience fragment as header. We want to duplicate, not replace, the same articles and content but using a different experience fragment as header. Here are the steps we tried to replicate the article with different ex...
Hi Team I want to set the redirection on xyz.com, all the pages of xyz.com will redirect to abc.com. please let me know what and where do I need to write code. in vhost file. Thank You in advance.
Hi All, We are in process of implementing the Content fragment Asset API, hence want to know the rule to be applied in dispatcher to only allow /asset/api json. At present we have set a rule as { /type "allow" /extension '(json)' /method "GET" /url "/asset/api/*.json" } is this valid or any other r...