We would like to build a model that allows us to create a large set of pages with a specific layout and design today but we will likely need to modify the layout and styles in the future and we want all previously created pages to be updated in one place rather than having to go back to every indivi...
Hello, I'm using the ldap module for user syncronisation between an Active Directory and CMS. In one instance of default sync handler following user attribute are defined: Now my problem is only one attribute is stored in user node, the others not. The only property that work is "sling:...
I have a process step in a workflow which is used to send mail to the initiator of the workflow on getting certain approval or rejection . How do I find the Email ID associated with that particular user in the process step ? How do I retrieve the user from the Workflow Item ?
Hi All,I need to get a report where It will look of all the pages and generate a report of Image components are under Custom Container Component.Example: I have a page under /content/pages/en_us/testand inside that page I have custom container : I have a page under /content/pages/en_us/test/jcr:con...
Looking for best practices to maintain analytics tags in AEM. We have hunderds of pages and wanted to add tracking for all the links included in site, also wanted to maintain analytics tags remain same across all the components. So what is the best approach to achieve this.
Dear all, We want to setup AEM logs ingestion (AEMaaCS) to a public splunk instance. Is there any indication/benchmark on the volume of such an ingestion, assuming a running vanilla AEM version? E.g. MB (or GB)/day? Thank you for your time.
Created a program in adobe cloud and created 3 environments those are dev, stage, prod. I am the system administrator in admin console so I have full access in admin console. I want to have admin access in dev hence I enabled both AEM Users-xxxxx & AEM Administrator -xxxxx product profiles. With the...
I have followed this documentation Getting Started with the AEM SPA Editor and Angular | Adobe Experience Manager And was successfully able to launch WKND site within AEM SPA Editor. Also, as mentioned in this article Integrate a SPA | Getting Started with the AEM SPA Editor and Angular | Adobe Ex...
Hi, I want to configure Dynamic Media S7 in my local for POC and testing purpose. I have enabled dynamic media in local referring to this document https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/dynamicmedia/config-dm.html?lang=en but again we need to config...