why the /damAssetLucene-8-custom-10 index was not present on publishers while being present on authors? when and how and why was /oak:index/damAssetLucene-8-custom-10 removed from the golden publish? Please provide the answer asap. Thanks in advance. @AEM
Hi All, I want to check if the resource exists or not using the sightly code. I was going through the documentation which consists of the global objects used in sightly : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-htl/content/global-objects.html?lang=en. I understand, there is a gl...
Hi , i created Nested multifield for adding multi level links(3 levels) with addition promo card section in one of the level. each level has multifield to author multiple links. Issue: authored 5 tab sections with nested multifield values. after adding one more tab section ex:6th Tab section wi...
Hi, I want to replicate i18n business file? https://localhost/libs/cq/i18n/translator.html?path=/apps/business/i18n Can anyone tell the procedure to replicate.
Hello, We are having an issue adding the color picker plugin to a text field in our video component. We followed the instructions mentioned in http://experience-aem.blogspot.com/2018/05/aem-64-touch-ui-rte-rich-text-editor-color-picker-plugin.html But we were unable to see the color picker on the ...
Hello Community! How would it be possible to linking the number of products on PLP (Product Listing Page) that can be displayed automatically (number should also automatically change for different countries) in AEM? I should be similar to some competitors have, as you can see in the screenshots be...
Hi, I have an experience fragment on a page and I need to strip the containing <div class="cmp-container"... and <div class="header"... I saw a post on here about adding a resourceType to strip the added containers and this worked perfectly for static components but I'm having issues figuring ou...
Hi All, I have a query which gives suggestions as a result. This works fine in my local instance but works partially in dev/qa environment. Eg. If I search "Sol" it gives me many results but if the same code is deployed to dev it doesn't gives any results. All the content and code is same but this q...
Hi All, Is there a way to check if a resource exists using JS without getting 404? I am unable to find any library which does this job. I am using clientside JS. For example : I am using $.getJSON() but it does throw 404 in console logs, if its an invalid resource Kindly let me know the best sol...