Hi everyone, has anyone here implemented their own CDN on top of the default CDN that comes with AEMaaCS? If so, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this custom setup? Thank you,Harish
We are planning to set up Akamai as the CDN to replace the default Fastly configuration and have added the following headers accordingly. <LocationMatch "^/.*\.html$">Header set Surrogate-Control "max-age=0, no-store, no-cache"</LocationMatch> But it is still caching the content in fastly and I can ...
I want to clear cache in Fastly in aem as a cloud service. Is there any curl command to clear the cache ? I tried with below command curl -X PURGE https://publish-pxxx-exxx.adobeaemcloud.com/content/my-project/test.html I get "Unauthorized" error message. How do we get "x-aem-purge-key"? Is there a...
For AD0-E903 Adobe Workfront Project Manager Certified Professional, I logged in exactly 15 mins before , and while setting up , the proctor mentioned that task manager has to be shown , but since my professional laptop is restricted from those, i couldn't for which proctor requested for personal la...
I have a site that will be launched for mulitple brands, but sharing content pages via MSM. i..e the master site would be rolled out to different locales, and each of those locales may have multiple brands for the same content. By setting the clientlib on the editorial template, I can't see how i ca...
Hi Team, Rich text with cloud SDK should be configured Image Plugin or drag and drop of an image from side panel is enough .. what is the recommended way ?Thanks in advance
hi folks, I am following below blog for integrating AEM with VueJS -https://medium.com/@jlanssie/use-vue-js-in-adobe-experience-manager-59bc7e098efd The blog talks about passing value from dialog via Sightly to VueJS as props as seen below -Create an HTL template demovue.html at ui.apps/src/main/con...
Hi Adobe Team,I am facing an issue with the servlet class below. It works as expected, but in SonarQube, I'm receiving the warning like "Do not use Sling servlet paths to register servlet"1,2,3 servlet's@Component(service = Servlet.class, property = { Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "= inform...