I am looking to integrate selenium for AEM UI testing , however i am finding it difficult to obtain resources to help with the same. Please share any info or useful resources with sample code if possible
In the asset metadata, I have a custom tab with a custom field called "Modified By." I have a schema named "myproject," where I added this custom tab, labeled "File Information," and created a field called "Modified By." This field is mapped to a custom property, "xmp:modified-by". The "Modified By"...
In my AEM application I'm able to fetch the cookie (while landing the home page application) but in SlingHttpServletRequest I'm not able to get SlingHttpServletRequest.getCookie("MypropertyValue") in my dopost method. Can someone help me in looking into the issue and rectify it.
Hi All, I have a requirement of displaying a pop-up window before moving the assets to destination folder using the MOVE option if the asset already exists in the destination folder. As of now, when the asset is already present in the destination, AEM creates creates the duplicate by appending nume...
Hi, I have setup AEM instance on my local machine and also installed enhanced connector within it to connect with my workfront test instance (not on local machine.) Using grok, I have generated a domain and trying to create a linked folder structure sync from AEM to Workfront. In the logs, I am obse...
Hi all,We are working on custom SPA component which is supposed to take the given content fragment & use its field on page. In sites custom component we achieved this simply by using below snippet in html & it works fine. cfPath is content fragment path selected in component dialog's pathbrowser fie...
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to report on all links found on pages under a given path. For each entry, the report should show the page URL or path, and a list of all the links on that page. The report might look like this: Page PathLinks contained on page/directory/page-1.htmllink-alink-blink...
In my AEM application I'm able to fetch the cookie(while landing the home page application) but in SlingHttpServletRequest I'm not able to get SlingHttpServletRequest.getCookie("MypropertyValue") in my dopost method. Can some one kindly please advise solution for the above problem
Hi team, we are on AEMCS ENV, we were trying to write test case for a search servlet. when we execute the search servlet doget method from servlet its executing successfully but in SearchserviceImpl.java Class the @Mock private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory getting null. Kindly ple...