Hey everyone, I'm trying to install the forms core components and am having a bit trouble getting the core bundle started. I'm on 6.5 with service pack 16 installed as well as the latest forms add-on package. I've followed the instructions here to enable adaptive forms core components and have g...
https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/spa-editor/react/integrate-spa.html?lang=enUsed this tutorial to create project .I am unable to understand why we are able to drag drop only spa component on home page.why we are not able to drag drop ...
Hi Team, could you please help me understand the usage of the below launch script embed in my html. what is the script doing and from where they included it.script https://assets.adobedtm.com/068312325d63/fd0385cafe23/launch-84a348c97191-development.jsThanks
We have static template under /apps/my-project/customcloudservice/templates which is used for AWS cloud configuration. In BPA(Best Practice Analyzer), it is saying that Legacy static templates were detected. They should be modernized. Can we migrate this template directly to AEMaaCS without cha...
Hi Team, 1) How dispatcher understands that page for which request is coming is logged in / secured /authenticated page? Is there any example? or we do it through some code? 2) How Dispatcher determines that since it is secure PAGES; its not candidate for caching ? 3) How we make dispatcher to cac...
While using the below code to get the asset path getting null pointer . Can anybody help me is there any other way to get the asset path? public class ExamplePostProcessor implements SlingPostProcessor {@Override public void process(final SlingHttpServletRequest request, final List<Modification> m...
Is there a way to fetch Referenced Content Fragment along with Parent CF JSON? Note: Asset API shows referenced CF URL but not Json. We have CFM nested in one level folder (Ex: /conf/xyz), hence GraphQL doesn't seem to be working and is not suitable for the use case.
In my project I have recently changed the path clientlib and design. Previously it was named etc/clientlibs/projectA and now due to some requirement we had to change it to etc/clientlibs/projectB and same with etc/designs/projectA. Now I am noticing that the favicons of our project is not rendering ...