Trying to download an older version 6.1's docs package from this page butthe downloads page throws 404 error
Hey, I created custom metadata fields and when I tried to update these fields and click the Save & Close button, the following error is encountered:"Unable to edit properties Insufficient permissions"I added the namespace to my OSGI config to deploy into higher environments, the changes are working...
We are programatically replicating an AEM package from author to publish. The package contains content fragments under DAM. Just after this replication action, we are seeing 1000s of cache invalidation request being sent to dispatcher via publisher. It is causing heavy load on publishers. How can w...
I saw in Adobe Summit 2023 that you can check to see if a PDF is Accessible in AEM Assets, similar to the Accessibility checker in Adobe Acrobat. How can this be achieved in AEM?
Hi I'm using AEM as a cloud and I'm creating an external application that needs to upload a file to AEM DAM. For that, I'm using Assets HTTP API successfully either using local development token or JWT token. The problem is when I try to call Assets API using OAuth token (as suggested in Adobe docs ...
Hi All,How to write query builder query order preference property.EX: I have one property and will query that property if that property doesn't exist then will query another property. @rawvarun@MayurSatav @aanchal-sikka @ManviSharma
We have a smart crop image processing profile created with 4 variations. These rendition can be see in the author mode and can be edited for every individual image in AEM. When we use assets with these smart crop renditions on a page, URL is changing based on the screen size but asset focus is not...
We are doing a long overdue upgrade from 6.2 to 6.5 and we don't have time to convert everything over to touch UI so we need to enable the classic editor. I've added the configuration node at /apps/wcm/core/content/editor/jcr:content/content/items/content/header/items/headerbar/items/pageinfopopover...
Hi Guys, The code deployed is not getting reflected in our instances lately, not sure what is causing the issue all of a sudden. We have observed there are duplicate component instances of the same implementation were getting created under -- .../system/console/components window. As a workaroun...