Hi, I am seeing an odd behavior while flushing cache, I am using AEM 6.5.16 with the wknd site for testing, also I am using a dispatcher in a Centos machine and it was set using the default configs from the AEM Project archetype (v41). So, the statfilelevel is set to 2 by default as shown below: /c...
Using Structure Patterns in SPA Root Template's - page policy we can filter out the exported child pages in model json. Can someone tell me, how can I write the regular expression in the 'Structure Patterns' field to filter out some selective pages ?
Hello, I want to remove assets edit option based on render condition. I have found similar article aem-adding-a-touchui-quick-action-to-asset-cardsAs mentioned in article i have overlayed the file "/libs/dam/gui/coral/components/admin/contentrenderer/card/asset/quickActions.jsp" and to check i have ...
Hi, We have created a test page in master site and tried rolling out. When we tried doing this, it gave out a null pointer exception. Exception: Cannot serve request to /mnt/overlay/wcm/msm/content/touch-ui/admin/rolloutdialog.html/content/my-site/language-master/en/sp16test in /libs/wcm/msm/compon...
Hi I'm implementing the following configuration regarding the sitemap and use absolute urls.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/seo/sitemaps.html?lang=en#absolute-sitemap-urls They are showing that you can add it on the /etc/map/https or /etc/map/http depending on ...
We've a eventHandler that does some task on activate/deactivate. Now we've a preview server as well in place and want to understand on how to restrict tasks if destination server is preview server instead of publish server.
Hi If I have a parsys json generated does not have child components. whereas, if I have responsivegrid or container components then json generated has child components data as well. Question: how does json generation works recursively. Here is some example of content i am looking at. Here is some A...
Hey. I'm a technical writer. My company extensively uses AEM for its sites. We have a developer portal where clients find our API documentation - but it's not using AEM. Is AEM used widely as a developer portal?Is there a content type for representing OAS (Open API Specification) files? Thanks so mu...
<tagsjcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"sling:resourceType="cq/gui/components/coral/common/form/tagfield"fieldLabel="Tags"fieldDescription="Let author choose a maximum of five tags"multiple="{Boolean}true"name="./tags"required="{Boolean}true"/> above is the configured dialog, is there any way to limit...