We have a requirement to use the adobe dam dynamic assets in our application which is hosted externally.I'm checking integrating of Micro-Frontend Asset Selector with localhost. I like to know if it possible to raise a support ticket with localhost as domain for providing with imsClientId, imsScope...
Hello everyone , I want to upload a excel file from author environment to asset. AssetManager is depricated in aemaacs. Documentation saying to use http api from external application not from same JVM. Here is the sentence mentioned in documentation.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experie...
Dear All, I have configured Day CQ Mail service in my local like below. Now I have written one servlet to get email and I am successfully getting email like below. I have written below servlet. ************************** SendEmailAdminLoginServlet ******************************* import java.io.IOE...
I am trying to use AWS SDK Java 2.0 for S3 file read inside AEM servlet. I am using embed-dependency concept of maven-bundle-plugin. Able to read S3 file with the below three AWS dependencies in standalone maven project. However it is throwing lot of dependency issues while using with AEM. Has anyon...
Hello All, Using metadata schema editor in Tools -> Assets -> Metadata Schemas. We have made title and description as required fields. Applied this schema to folder and uploaded image. It doesn't show "REQUIRED METADATA MISSING" alert in List and Column View but we see the alert only in Card and Ins...
Hi everyone, We recently upgraded from AEM 6.5 SP14 to SP21, and since the upgrade, we’ve been facing an issue where content fragment models (CFMs) aren’t retaining field values. After editing and saving the content fragment models, the values don’t seem to stick. This happens with both existing CF...
Hello Everyone, We recently upgraded to AEM 6.5 with SP 21 from SP 14. Since then CFM fields are not retaining the values. After editing and saving the content fragment models, fields are not retain their values - same behavior for existing CFM and Newly created CFM. I do not see any nodes created u...
Hi, Anyone knows how to update the multi-field component with the dropdown menu. I need to have the field in MCP to select more than one option from the dropdown. Using SelectComponent.EnumerationSelector.class doesn't allow me to choose more than one value from the dropdown. So do we need to includ...
Hello Everyone, After upgrading from AEM 6.5 SP14 to SP21, we're encountering issues with Content Fragment Models (CFMs). The main problems areFields Not Retaining Values: After editing and saving CFMs, fields do not retain their values, and we see the following warning: 23.12.2024 11:46:28.227 *ERR...