Hi, I am a newbie to AEM and was trying to understand ignoreurlparams which is very confusing. Could you help me with which urls would be cached and does order also has significance? /ignoreUrlParams{/001 { /glob "*" /type "deny" }/002 { /glob "param1" /type "allow" }/003 { /glob "param2" /type "all...
I have hands-on experience with AEM testing, a strong understanding of xAPI components, templates, and content fragments, as well as experience with Adobe Campaign creation. I've also worked on creating experiences for various Adobe products like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Creative Cloud. To furthe...
Hi All,Like we have properties for pages and we can add custon properties aswell through page component, but for asset if we want to add any new cucstom property how to do that?Thanks in advance,Keerthi K.
Hi, For any new component, when not authored, I am able to see the Name of the component and the blue box. But, when I click on it, I don't see the rollout option (I see all other options like edit, copy etc.).Once I author the component, I am able to see the rollout option for it. Is this an expec...
Hi, I am trying to configure purge task but I see blank maintenance page (/libs/granite/operations/content/maintenance.html). I see the below exception in error log02.12.2024 17:10:47.378 *ERROR* [ [1733119847331] GET /libs/granite/operations/content/maintenance.html HTTP/1.1] org.apach...
Hi,I need help.I can't add any components to my local page or page template after I seting up my local environemt,I used sdk version is: aem-sdk-2024.7.17098.20240711T134106Z-240700There is no component when I open template editor.I tried downloading different version of the SDK and rebuilding the c...
Hi, For my project which is on AEM 6.5 we discovered that the cache is not getting created under /content/{project}/ path.If we hit page with .html extension the cache is getting created but under the /var/www/html directory, but pages without html extension the cache is not at all getting created. ...
Hi Team I have created a content fragment and my requirement is to have to date format in DD-MMM.In the crx/de when I save the displayFormat as DD-MMM and on the UI when I select data it is displaying correctly like ex: 02-Dec however valueFormat is giving error when crx/de is having format as DD-MM...
Hi, We are in AEM as a cloud service and we see the below error recently when we do the cloud manager build on the core module. "Error injecting: org.apache.felix.bundleplugin.ManifestPluginjava.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: aQute/bnd/osgi/Analyzer has been compiled by a more recent version of ...