I got requirement that to filter un-used assets present in dam-> I have written servlet and triggered SQL-2 Query to fetch all assets from dam, I am getting the all dam assets. My Code to fetch the assets RowIterator rowIterator = queryResult.getRows(); while (rowIterator.hasNext()) { Row row = row...
hi, We have recently upgraded to AEM SP16 from SP 14 and observed that vanityfield has been removed from the granite components under libs which we are overlaying. As Adobe has removed it, is there any replacement(feature like vanityfield) we have for that or as we have overlayed it do we need to ...
Hi, I have a requirement to get search parameters as one of the columns in result section in report tool. Is there any query to implement that or do we need to override OOB tool to do that? Thanks
Hello, I am getting an exception when processing DamEvent events on my Job manager that implements EventHandler. I am using code guidelines from references below. My code works fine when processing PageEvent but it does not process the job for DamEvent. public static final String JOB_TOPIC = "aem/s...
Problem I encountered with newest available AEM archetype (May 2023) and running unit tests is the method:aemContext.load().json("file.json","/path/in/aem") It gives out the following exception:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to enable secure processingThis is a very common way to load conte...
We are looking for the correct regex pattern to update in OSGI to fetch the config data in component html which are the part of experience fragments eg: /content/expfragment/abc/[REGEX] where it should fetch config from generic exp path
I've implemented a regular showhide dropdown feature in aem dialog. Show-hide feature is working fine. First I selected first option and authored the fields under that option. Later I selected the second option and authored the fields under second option. But at content page node level both values a...
Hi,The Page Properties Cancel is not working. Clicking on it the Editor should return to the previous View but it doesn't do anything and just stays on the same page (which is Page Properties). This is the button I am refering to: And this is the element in question:<coral-actionbar-item class="cor...