We are working on developing reusable html snippets in form of small html templates so we can include or call the same from multiple components. Here we have to pass multiple parameters through the hierarchy to different templates . However for maintainability purpose we were thinking of using sling...
I need to change the Unique Page Name for a page in AEM 6.5. Can this just be done by simply editing in the Properties of that page? Will it have any effect on referencing pages?
Hello, I want to habilitate the option Web-Optimized Image Delivery on my custom component, the idea is that the user can upload an asset on the authoring configuration of the component (cq:dialog) and then convert the file on Webp Format, I was following the documentation of:https://experienceleagu...
We are planning to migrate our assets from our AEM instance to the Scene7 server. Our images are scattered across various folders and we have decided to run the migration in batches since we have quiet a lot(>10GB) of assets to migrate. Scene7 BatchUpload was one of the steps we came across which wi...
When the main navigation or a content fragment on home page is updated(not published) , the home page gets published automatically and it shows that the author published it. But the author did not publish the page.
Low-memory action set to forkUsing 64bit VM settings, min.heap=1024MB, min permgen=256MB, default fork arguments=[-Xmx1024m, -XX:MaxPermSize=256m]The JVM reports a heap size of 3550 MB, meets our expectation of 1024 MB +/- 20Setting properties from filename 'C:/Users/Mohammed Skouti/Downloads/aemser...
I am trying to escape a method when the node is a Live Copy Variation. This is the code I wrote: Resource res = resourceResolver.getResource(path);if (res == null) { return;}ModifiableValueMap properties = res.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);if (properties == null) { return;}// Escape the me...
I'm getting target invocation exception at this line of my code Tag tag = resource.adaptTo(Tag.class); The resource is not adapting to Tag tag is returning null. resource is not returning null, but getting target invocation exception.
Hi, We're trying to integrate solr with AEM . We're following solr as an oak index approach. Followed steps mentioned on https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/deploying/deploying/queries-and-indexing.html?lang=en . I was able to index data at '/' level by creating solr type i...
We have requirement to create Forms in AEM website. I did some research but I dont see Form core component. I think we can't directly use AEM forms or Adaptive forms in Sites. Anyone knows how to use Adaptive forms or Normal Forms in AEM sites?