Hello, Our error.log on the AEM Publish instances are polluted with millions of such messages:2023-07-18 14:47:00.810 *WARN* [sling-oak-observation-15] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.core.GuavaDeprecation use of deprecated Guava-related API - this method is going to be removed in future Oak releases - se...
I have a custom component and I bring a core component navigation as the snippet below But, for default the core component brought display the default title Navigation (v2) and I want to change to a custom title like ${properties.itemName}, how can I do that ? <div class="cmp-subitens--panel"> <d...
Hi All, The problem statement is as follows :I have created a custom integration configuration for Progressive Web Apps in AEM Adaptive Forms ( based on AEM 6.5 ). For a form that I am trying to convert to PWA, the start_url also includes some query parameters which are used for tracking how the use...
While I am removing quick publish for content fragment then manage publication is not working. And also we don't need delete permission for user group.We tried denying quick publish selection button and providing replicate access but manage publication or request for publication workflow is showing ...
Hi Team,While editing my content fragment i am getting error pop up after saving it. From the system console i have got the following error. Its not happening for all fragment but few one.I have compared the crx structure with other which is working fine but didn't get any clue.Below errors i am get...
I need to get values of 'division' from this JsonObject in AEM. How can I get that?{ "orgUnit": { "active": true, "category": [{ "l": "08", "division": "03", "isDefault": false, "sales": "ID01" }] }}
Tried building a dynamic navigation menu with a Sling Model that maps to the navigation data in AEM. In this, I tried to create a NavigationModel class that retrieves the current page and its siblings, and builds a list of NavigationItem objects that represent each page in the navigation menu. So w...
Dear Contributors, I read many online articles for binary less replication and what I extract from those articles are: 1. all your datastore will be hosted somewhere in external datastore; 2. this external datastore will used in your author and publisher instance as binary provider so you not need ...