Hi All, I need to read CF model attributes in a Teaser or Carousel component to add custom properties based on the attributes of the CF model. I tried to read the CF model json through SlingRequestProcessor.processRequest(), but its deprecated and also the model json response is getting truncated (n...
Hi all, I have a requirement to integrate acrolinx in aem 6.5. So can any one if having idea about that please guide me the what are the configurations need to done for this integration in aem. ThanksNandheswara
I'd like to know, what can I do to solve this issue (when I use the command line aio aem:rde:status), in this moment I always receive that the following message "Environment: Deployment in progress", and when I try to deploy I receive the following message "Error: 503 - Deployment in progress", befo...
I have installed Service pack 15 recently and updater.aem-service-pkg is not active. Below are the error logs. 18.10.2023 15:30:47.726 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] org.apache.sling.installer.core.impl.tasks.BundleStartTask Could not start bundle updater.aem-service-pkg [592]. Reason: {}. Will retry. ...
Hi All, I'm trying to add image on the content fragment.Here I have provided a field to add an image(pathfield).I see the image path in my content fragment, But it's not rendering on the page. what would be the reason? that image is available on dam
Hello people, I need suggestion on use of RTE as Component and in a Content Fragment.It will generate component JSON with HTML tags. Is it XSS attack proof to use for authoring purpose?Please provide your views on it. Thanks.cc: @aanchal-sikka @Harwinder-singh @EstebanBustamante @arunpatidar @Tanika...
Can anyone tell how to save tags in aem which are generated by open ai or chatgpt. In the below post they shown how to generate, but i need them to save https://medium.com/@vorajineet/use-generative-ai-in-adobe-experience-manager-aem-cms-to-ease-seo-tasks-for-a-digital-platform-708f71855f10
Hi, After publishing the page the new version is getting created in time line.Can anyone please help me with how/why it's getting created and the reason behind that. Thank You.
I have configured a scheduler in AEM6.5 and the idea is that it runs ONCE a night at 2AM@Designate(ocd = TagVerificationScheduledTask.Config.class)@Component(service = {Runnable.class})public class TagVerificationScheduledTask implements Runnable { @ObjectClassDefinition(name = "scheduled task th...
Hi community members, I've created below custom oak:index in my local instance with aem-sdk 20230713T151945Z-230601. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jcr:root xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:tm="internal"compatVersion="{Long}2"async="async"jcr:primaryType="oak:QueryIndexDefinition...