Hi All I am trying to set translations for my dialog and style system in AEM as Cloud. While I am able to translate the dialog using i18n , the style system values are not getting translated. Any help is appreciated. TIA Veena
Hi all, we developed a Translator Plugin using the Adobe Bootstrap sample code against a local AEM instance (the quickstart). We would like to make that plugin installable and usable in AEM as a Cloud but the documentation is vast and the process is not very straightforward.What are the steps to fol...
Hi All, I have a requirement to query for matching tags on parent node and matching property on child nodes. we need to query each time, based on the user selection. As this a bulk query, can we create an index that fit both my searches? Or is there a better way to restructure content to optimiz...
Hello! I'm trying to fix an issue with clickjacking, and I was following this guide here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-dispatcher/using/getting-started/security-checklist.html?lang=en It mentioned setting the X-FRAME-OPTIONS HTTP header to SAMEORIGIN. By default, in our...
Hello team, I am new to AEM. I wanted to know if there was a way to add other Social Media Sharing options to AEM sites other than Facebook and Pinterest. Ideally, I'm looking for LinkedIn, Twitter/X, and email sharing. Thank you!
Hi Team, I am programmatically creating pdf , docx and txt files and saving in /content/projectFolder. I need good/fast performance when I want to save these files in AEM programmatically . I am thinking if I create nt:file as jcr:primaryType then it will be faster as compared to dam:Asset(since nt:...
Hi All,I have local country sites(de-de, en-us.....) and master sites(en,fr,cs.....).I have 293 pages at different locations(/content/masters/de/en/abc, /content/local/cs-cz/aboutus ......). I want to publish all those pages at once.Can anyone tell me the best way to do it.
Buenas, Nuestra proyecto esta basado en Adobe AEM 6.5 on premise. Tenemos varias clases que implementan la interfaz EventHandler, con la idea de que, cuando se publique una página, se ejecute en una o varias de esas clases (las que implementan la interfaz) para enviar correos, o enviar información a...
Hi Team, In the RTE, I want to add aria-label="some text" inside anchor tag for that I need to add one more text field in hyperlink popup dialog. How can i achieve that? As per screenshot instead of Universal Overlay Id i need arial-label text field. Could you please help me on this. Thanks,Rajkumar...
Hi,I am following the tutorial Solr integration with AEM (Java) to integrate SOLR with AEM. when I build the project, I get the error, but the bundle is active [ERROR] The analyser found the following errors for author and publish : [ERROR] [api-regions-exportsimports] com.astellas:aem-astellas-pr...