When i am trying to deploy the repo into my local it failing at ui.frontend.[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.12.0:npm (npm run prod) on project xxxxxxxxxxxx.ui.frontend: Failed to run task: 'npm run prod' failed. org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Pro...
Dear Team,I suddenly started facing a wierd issue that while authoring - adding/editing an aem component ,css of that component is not loading. Only after a page refresh i can see components align according to its css. Not sure if any issue with AEM or if any of the code related issue.
I have a dropdown in multifield with options for Image and video.when I select an image it shows a field for image. after that I have added video it shows field for video, after authoring when I go to configure some more items , the dropdown text and values are mismatched. How to handle.
we created a new server for our AEM instance. in that instance when I'm trying to install any package im getting this error. any suggestions on how to fix it?(we don't have CRX-quickstart used s3 bucket and the instance came as an AMI image) below attaching the error
Hello, We are currently facing a problem while converting a docx document to a PDF format using Adobe Experience Manager 6.5, The issue arises when the word document contains a double prime symbol (″). As a result, the generated PDF is corrupted, and the content following this special character is n...
Hey, I am integrating Azure MSAL 4J with AEM as Cloud Service(Publish Instance) for SSO Authentication. To store the session for longer times I have to implement a token cache which creates a serialized_cache.json file and gets the session if this is available. here is the documentation reference I ...
I am using adobe CIF add-on on AEM cloud and created a cutomproduct(resource super type - core/cif/components/commerce/product/v3/product) component which has its own CustomProductImpl and CustomProduct. CustomProductImpl tries to make use MagentoGraphQLClient. However, this object never gets initi...
Which configuration/section should be used to resolve the domain name by dispatcher? Configuration in vhost or configuration in httpd.conf or configuration in DNS Thanks